Saturday, September 8, 2012

Whoop Whoop, It's My Birthday!

Ah September 8th, how I love thee. Not that birthdays really matter but I'm still a kid at heart I guess. You see birthdays mean chocolate cake. Did someone say cake? Say no more-- I'm there. That pretty much sums it up. I'm not looking to celebrate the fact that I'm now middle aged, or looking to wear party hats and receive gifts but I do plan to have chocolate cake. Oh and by the way, I like to celebrate my birthday for as long as I feel necessary. So if you see me having chocolate cake next week, that could very well be why.


  1. a very happy birthday rick!

    smiles, bee

  2. So that's why we get along so well. Both September babies, chocolate lovers,and crazy pet people. ha!

    Happy Birthday Rick!!

  3. Happy Birthday -- and you are most certainly a man after my own heart -- say "cake" and I'm there with you!!!!

  4. Happy birthday Rick! I turn 50 in a couple of weeks.

  5. happy birthday. i hope you enjoy the most decadent chocolate cake you can find. :)

  6. When it comes to chocolate cake I believe in year round birthday's! Have you tried the Hermosa Bakery chocolate cake at Fresh &Easy?

    Happy Birthday!!

  7. Happy belated birthday, Rick, sorry I missed it. Hope it was happy. Did you save me a piece of cake?

  8. Happy Birthday Rick!! (We share the same day) fellow Virgo.


Thank you kindly.