Friday, October 26, 2012

Barkworld is Bark-tacular!

Without a doubt, Barkworld 2012 day two was a big hit. Lots of awesome networking, great sessions,  reconnecting with friends and making new ones too. In fact, here is a great photo of two pals I met at the first Barkworld several years ago...its Diane (@ToDogWithLove) her talented 'Cosmo'(@CosmoHavenese) and Vicki (@BunnyJeanCook). Diane has been a guest on my show, she is wonderful. Both she and Vicki regularly use their social media network to help animal charities.

One of the reasons I come to Barkworld is because it really is a true social networking conference that offers great educational content blended with fun events. It draws a nice blend of full-time and part-time bloggers, and folks who are new to the world of social media. Founder Denise Quashie has done an excellent job attracting sponsors and exhibitors who together make the event interesting, educational and fun.
Hey do you love puppies? Check out this super cute English Bulldog puppy "Jazzy", here with her humom Wendy (@SirMacLadyAlley). What's not to like about a pet social media conference where you can network with puppies?
 And how about this SUPER COOL poodle named Linus (@LittleDogLinus) who looks rather dashing and intelligent in his bowtie and glasses, don't you think? I was so impressed to learn that Linus is actually a therapy dog. How cool is that? 

Tonight's 'Block Pawty' turned out to be really terrific. Attendees mixed and mingled for most of the night, meeting sponsors, networking about business opportunities and enoying some great tunes from the DJ. Kudos to Denise and her team for pulling off a very successful day. I'm so pleased to be attending along with my company Natural Balance Pet Foods. I can't wait for tomorrow!

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