Sunday, November 25, 2012

Shopping in Downtown Palm Springs

I've never been one for all the "Black Friday" hype....but I did find inspiration from the "Small Business Saturday" grass roots campaigns I saw floating around the web. Small businesses are in fact the lifeblood of the American economy. Lots of people make their living by either working for, or owning a small business. If you've ever been to Palm Springs, especially along downtown Palm Canyon Drive the one thing you will notice is the absence of big business.

It was an easy decision to support the "Small Business Saturday" campaign...all I needed to do was not drive to the big malls, but instead swing by the shops on Palm Canyon Drive here in Palm Springs. There I found a delightful array of unique shops. Memento Gift Shop is one of my favorites, as well as Cold Nose Warm Heart. I also like Crystal Fantasy, R&R Menswear, British Invasion, and loads of others. I was pleasantly surprised to find lots of people shopping our downtown village area on Saturday. 
My hope is that the focus of "Small Business Saturday" helped re-introduce consumers all across America to the many small businesses right in their own communities. Here in the Coachella Valley, we depend of tourism, snow birds and driving distance visitors from Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, and other coastal communities. If you come to Palm Springs anytime soon, stop by our lovely downtown village and see some of the really great retail shops we have along Palm Canyon Drive. As the Palm Springs Savant, I can vouch for the great businesses, restaurants and hotels here. Don't miss an opportunity for a different shopping experience, and a chance to support real people who need your patronage.

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