Friday, December 7, 2012

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

In times of war bad things happen. They say time heals all wounds, and to a great extent that is true. But it is good to recall incidents from history from which we can learn.Today is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day which commemorates the attack on Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, during World War II. So many US service men & women lost their lives or were injured that day. 

A few years ago I visited Pearl Harbor and went to the museum as well, it was very haunting and emotional (although I had no one related to me involved in that attack). I have a deep respect for our veterans young and old, living and deceased. We must always honor and thank them for their service and sacrifices. Fortunately today we have friendships with many of our former enemies, time does heal most wounds. It does not diminish the need to remember those difficult times from our history, and bow our collective heads, even if just for one day.

1 comment:

  1. well said. i do think pearl harbor is a place every american should try to see if at all possible. it was very moving when i went there. thanks for the reminder.


Thank you kindly.