Saturday, February 2, 2013

Valentine's Day in Palm Springs

I wouldn't consider myself a "hopeless romantic" but I'm a firm believer in the importance of those "magic moments" that kindle new relationships and keep the fire in existing ones too. The everyday opportunities are what matter most, but it is hard to resist "the Biggies" on the calendar, such as Valentine's Day. Even as a kid, at an early age I developed a fondness for the Valentine's Day customs. Perhaps it was the heart-shaped boxes at Fanny Farmer and Fannie May Candy shops. I'm sure their heart-shaped chocolate marshmallow treats had nothing to do with it...but I was also a fan of sending--and receiving Valentine's cards in the mail. I can even remember cutting out  hearts out of red and pink construction paper and taping them all over the kitchen for my mom. Yes, Valentine's Day has strong memories for me that have carried through my entire life.

Perhaps that's why every year I celebrate Valentine's Day in my own way. I've always bought myself a heart-shaped box of chocolates, just to carry on the traditions. I've helped plenty of clueless friends who have sheepishly asked my opinion on what to do for Valentine's Day with their girlfriends/boyfriends/spouses. Of course, living in a popular vacation spot and tourist destination like Palm Springs, plenty of friends end up coming to visit as the ideal weekend get-away for a romantic weekend. There is plenty to do here in Palm Springs. I read the Top 10 Things to Do in Palm Springs post over at the Memento Gift Shop blog for some ideas, and couldn't think of anything to add, so I'd suggest reading that list of ideas.

The nice thing about visiting Palm Springs this time of year, is the weather is just starting to warm up again. The "worst" of our ever-so-brief winter weather is generally behind us already.  Days warm up nicely, but not too hot yet. Evenings still have a slight chill, but nothing a sweater or a bit of cuddling can't find. Visitors who come to Palm Springs in February are delighted to find the city brimming with things to do. Aside from shows at the McCallum Theatre, Annenberg Theatre, Palm Canyon Theatre, or the many casino attractions and shows, Palm Springs has frequent weekend Art Walks. If art is your thing, check out this website, which has a really good list of art destinations in Palm Springs.

Aside from the vast array of golf, tennis, bike tours, and such, there is great shopping and sightseeing to do here. Most people marvel at the really good variety of dining options. There are some awesome restaurants here, from casual to fine dining. I tend to enjoy the restaurants that combine good food with good atmosphere. Whether you dine outdoors, or in a special dining room, the experience remains etched in your memory. These are all what can help make a special Valentine's Weekend in Palm Springs. The goal is to create memories of the time you will spend together here.

Go places where the stunning views will make you smile. The Palm Springs Tram is one such example. Rent bikes and explore the city's marvelous neighborhoods to see the mid-century modern gems tucked away. Take a leisurely stroll through downtown and explore the Walk of Stars. Do things you might not do at home, like visit a day spa, go hiking, drive out to Joshua Tree National Park. The options are endless.

Come to Palm Springs and plan a Valentine's Day getaway that you and your sweetheart won't forget. You'd be surprised at how easy it is do to.

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