Thursday, April 18, 2013

Looking Back on Things...

Not long ago, in a far, far away land, I met with a Buddhist monk in a temple high up in a mountain. After a long discussion and some meditation, he had me write a bunch of information on a piece of paper, and hung it from one of those colorful rows you see in this photo. He offered to pray for a year, which amazed me. I stumbled on this image and it reminded me of that kind monk. Looking back on things, a great amount of good fortune has come to me since that day. Who knows the reason, but I am indeed grateful. Today I can close my eyes and find myself back at the top of that mountain, and almost smell the incense burning at the temple. Yes, part of me is still there. Looking back, it was one of those days that ended up being more special that I could have ever imagined.

1 comment:

Thank you kindly.