Saturday, May 18, 2013

I Have A Thing For...

the first pair of Golas I came to love
While it is true that I have a fair number of dress shoes in my closets, I've never thought myself to be much of a shoe-hound. Last year however I bought a pair of sneakers  ("trainers" as my UK mates call them) that I came to love. They were a pair of retro-style Gola brand sneakers. Gola is an English company founded back in 1905 and today seems to be enjoying a bit of a resurgence in popularity. Until  last year I had not heard of Gola, or if I had I didn't remember them. Anyway the pair I bought in London last year are so comfortable I enjoy wearing them. Moreover, it seems that whenever I wore that first pair, I received numerous complements from admirers about the style, design and color combinations. They were zippy enough to be worn with casual pants as well as jeans. So to make a statement I would wear my brown and light blue Golas whenever I could. Soon I decided that if one pair was good, two pair would be even better.

these are the ones I just bought
I set off on a mission to buy more Golas. First, I bought a "reserve" pair of the brown and pale blue ones I had grown to love. Then I bought a pair of green and tan ones, and decided I was quite happy. Later, while shopping I stumbled upon another pair of black suede sneakers with a tan leather stripe...from some unknown brand. I decided to pick up these as a trial. They  have the right look I've come to like, but in truth, they are not the same quality of the Gola brand. That being said, I am happy with my three new pair of suede retro-sneakers.

The only question remaining, is which ones do I get next? Yes, I'm afraid I have a "thing" for suede retro sneakers. Oh dear...

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I like your blog!
    I'm visiting PS with my sister (we are both Moms ages early 40s - to give you an idea. Leaving kids home, yay!)
    What's a good restaurant in PS you recommend? I prefer, funky, different, casual food. Almost anything non American or French :)
    Love Asian and Eurasion, spanish, sushi and most everything else.
    Can you recommend specific places or a blog that highlights PS restaurants? Thank you!!


Thank you kindly.