Sunday, January 18, 2015

On a Chilly Winters Night

Even in Southern California, we experience a dose of winter temperatures every so often. On a chilly evening it is nice to cozy up in front of a roaring fireplace to enjoy quiet music, some wine and cheese and just let one's mind wander. The flames are so mesmerizing-- the way they dance and flicker. The feeling of the warmth on my face is soothing.  The occasional crackle of the fire, shifting logs and glowing embers can be so enchanting as well.
Even as a kid, growing up in New England, the fireplace was a normal ritual we enjoyed throughout the long winters. Perhaps this is another reason why I enjoy the fireplace today as an adult--the fond memories of childhood.
For those of you experiencing genuine cold winter climates, I admit our "chilly" evening temperatures are the Springtime highs you long for right now. So perhaps the whole fireplace thing is just a romantic notion. Ambiance, setting, mood, and so forth. Whatever the reason, creating this setting is more than just keeping warm, it is a state of mind.  When I took this photo it made me feel warm inside. At that point I forgot about the temperature outside. It didn't matter. Because after all, its what's inside that counts, isn't it? 


  1. Glad to see you blogging, Rick, I have missed your posts.

  2. @kenju- Thanks so much that really made my night.


Thank you kindly.