Saturday, January 24, 2015

When is a Coffee more than a Coffee?

Yesterday a friend suggested we meet for coffee at a local cafe in the Magnolia Park area of Burbank.  Always open to try new places, I headed over to Romancing the Bean Cafe with no expectations other than to relax over a cup of java and enjoy some good conversation with my friend. Arriving a few minutes early, I had a chance to check out the place. The decor was well designed- mostly black and white color scheme; it has a funky, casually elegant ambiance. I love the mix of fun chairs and wall bench suit your mood and whatever you want to do. The seating area was well planned; a mix of individual marble top tables for intimate seating, long wooden tables for groups and a kid-friendly table up front was a nice touch too. I watched a mom and her little daughter come in behind me. The little girl must have been 6 or so, and it was her birthday, so her mom let her order one of the brownies or something in the case. I watched the girl's face light up as she brought her little treat to the kiddie table.  The fresh flowers on the tables were a nice touch too.
The menu boats sandwiches, salads, smoothies, justices and of course the usual coffee options. I was struck by how clean everything was (as it should be for a restaurant) but it was obvious someone truly cares about this place--the sense of pride was evident from the exterior windows, to the food display cases, and right through to the very back wall inside.
I suppose a latte is just a latte, but for some reason this one they made for me was perfectly made...the foamed non-fat milk seemed extra delicious...a dreamy mug of soothing java goodness. I glanced around the cafe, observing the blend of young and hip patrons gazing into their iPhones, MacBooks, iPads while sipping their coffee concoction.  The large front windows offered great opportunities for 'people-watching' from passers by along Magnolia Boulevard. The comfy furniture and awesome music selection added to its relaxed atmosphere, making it easy to linger.  I was tempted to have something to eat because everything looked so delicious, but I had already eaten lunch. Perhaps another time. The staff were all so pleasant and made me feel welcome that I knew I would be back.  

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats a good cup of coffee. There is something about that soothes one's soul. It engages your senses -- smell, taste, and touch. The warmth is like a gentle hug from above that says, "Thank you!"


Thank you kindly.