Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mysteries of the Tarot...Memes Welcome

OK, so let's go deep. Real deep. Meme questions are below the images.

Wouldn't everyone like to know the future? Or at least sometimes to have an inkling of what cometh? Should I take that job or not? Should I start this business now or next year? What should I do about _____?

Its human nature to want to guidance or ask questions. Some people pray, and believe they get answers from their Creator. Some people also like to use other methods-their "gut instinct", a friend's advice, or other spiritual methods such as divination or the occult. By the way, the term "occult" does not necessaility mean evil things. In my opinion, its OK for a person who subscribes to an organized religious faith to also seek guidance from the Tarot, for example. Maybe THAT's how God can speak to you. Some people pray to God for answers, which is fine, but if they'd see a psychic, maybe that's a method God could communicate the answer more easily, rather than sending the answer on a grilled cheese sandwich, or carved in a tree somewhere!

Of course, there are many methods of divination and fortune-telling. I've always been fascinated by The Tarot, specifically the Rider-Waite Tarot deck.

This meme is seeking your thoughts, so let's get this rolling:

  • Have you ever used, or met someone who uses Tarot cards?
  • If so, what kind of Tarot cards do you prefer? (Rider-Waite, Abyssal, etc)
  • Ever had a crazy "Oh My God" moment or interaction with the Tarot?
  • What do you think is the luckiest card?
  • What other methods of divination do you prefer? Tea leaves, palm reading, crystal ball?

This blog posting will be participating in the "Bestest Blog Meme Carnival" hosted by Mimi at

- Rick Rockhill


  1. Thanks! This looks great!

    Thanks for your submission to Bestest Blog's Meme Carnival!
    I am enjoying reading all the great memes out there in the blogosphere.

    The Carnival will be all day Monday, January 22 at
    Mimi Writes (known as Bloggingham Palace for this event.)

    If you have a chance, can you post about the carnival either Sunday evening or on Monday, and include a link?

    Thanks for participating!
    Mimi - Queen of Memes

  2. 1. Yes, I used Tarot cards for many years but now I use regular playing cards.

    2.One time I was doing a reading for my sister and the cards showed that someone was cheating on her. I didn't want to say it, but I found out two weeks later that her husband was having an affair. Made me start to trust the cards more after that!

    3. Probably the 10 wands is my luckiest.

    cool meme btw!

  3. Have you ever used, or met someone who uses Tarot cards? No. There's probably not one person on earth who knows less about tarot cards than I do.

    If so, what kind of Tarot cards do you prefer? (Rider-Waite, Abyssal, etc) n/a

    Ever had a crazy "Oh My God" moment or interaction with the Tarot? n/a

    What do you think is the luckiest card? I have no idea.

    What other methods of divination do you prefer? Tea leaves, palm reading, crystal ball? I just pray to God and follow my inner spirit.

    Sorry, I'm somewhat of a bust on these questions.

  4. My favorite deck is the old traditonal deck but so many new amazing ones have come along..

    Favorite card(s): the Priestress (no surprise) and then the 5 of Pentacles...ok so I am $$$ driven...go figure.

  5. hey Rick
    this was a wonderful post. thanks for visiting my blog
    The Witch Dr is IN. I guess I'll have to participate in this meme as I am a professional witch, astrologer, and psychic and I love the Tarot. Work with them every day. Rider Waite is also my favorite along with the B.O.T.A. and Crowley decks. I could write (and have written) a book on all my "o my goddess" moments with the Tarot cards. The luckiest card is The Wheel (unless it turns backwards). but for all around good fortune - The Sun :)
    my second preference for divination is turkish coffee grinds.
    blessings to all


Thank you kindly.