Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ode to an Indian Casino

This week I'm attending a Leadersip conference for work at the Pala Resort and Casino. Its one of those Casinos on an Indian reservation, so everyone is smoking like crazy. My clothes smell like smoke even when I go outside. Yuck.

Pala is a huge place, actually fairly nice for a non-Vegas casino. Its located off of a long, winding road in the middle of nowhere. This Indian tribe really made something out of their piece of land! I'm surprised that anyone can find this place, but then again, if there is gambling, booze and a place to smoke indoors, people will come.
A few random questions that I thought I'd ask and answer...feel free to offer your opinions in the comment section below:

1. What is the most amount of money you have ever won at a casino or gambling? Me: $800 at a slot machine in Vegas.

2. Have you ever actually ever seen a single Indian at an Indian Casino? Me: Nope

3. Other than the delicious Indian casino food, what are other reasons to visit an Indian Casino? Me: hmmmm...still thinking about my answer

4. Do you have a "system" or secret for winning when playing slot machines? Me: Yes, I always stick to the Double Diamond slot machines, everyone knows those pay out millions

5. What is the wackiest sight you've seen in a casino? Me: yesterday some old lady was working the slots wearing one of those air ventillators with the tubes up her nose AND smoking a ciggarette, with the ashes hanging on the tip of the ciggie. Amazing.

What are your answers?
-Rick Rockhill


  1. 1. What is the most amount of money you have ever won at a casino or gambling?

    $75.00 at Poker

    2. Have you ever actually ever seen a single Indian at an Indian Casino?

    lol...pretty funny

    3. Other than the delicious Indian casino food, what are other reasons to visit an Indian Casino?

    how about the Indian chicks?

    4. Do you have a "system" or secret for winning when playing slot machines?

    prefer poker to slots, but best to do the max bet if you do play slots

    5. What is the wackiest sight you've seen in a casino?

    Saw some guy win three thousand at texas hold em and then give the cocktail waitress a $500 tip. Hardly enough of of a win to justify that size tip!

  2. What is the most amount of money you have ever won at a casino or gambling?

    I won $3,200 at a slot machine

    2. Have you ever actually ever seen a single Indian at an Indian Casino?

    Well, maybe at the money changing counter!

    3. Other than the delicious Indian casino food, what are other reasons to visit an Indian Casino?


    4. Do you have a "system" or secret for winning when playing slot machines?

    always use those player cards..eventually they do give you something for your play time.

    5. What is the wackiest sight you've seen in a casino?

    I saw an Elvis impersonator playing craps once.


Thank you kindly.