Thursday, January 18, 2007

Salt Lake City

On Tuesday I traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah on a business trip to inspect and tour a dog food plant in Ogden. It was SO COLD there. Ice crystals formed on all of the car windows and it hurt to breathe. But the Utah Mountains, covered in what looked like oozing marshmallow fluff were really quite picturesque. Lucky for me, I anticipated the Wintry Weather and dug out my hat, gloves, scarf and sweaters. Aside from the fact that I shivered the whole time I was in Utah (even while sleeping) I enjoyed the trip.
I won't get into the long boring story of the inspection and tour of the dog food facility, but plant tours are interesting and you always learn something new. If you have ever had trouble falling asleep pondering the great mysteries of the universe, no doubt one of the mysteries may have been, "I wonder what 15,000 pounds of dog biscuits actually look like? Well ponder no longer. I am pleased to share the answer with you, right here on this humble web log. (see above right)

Mid day on Wednesday we took a break from the exhausting plant tour schedule and stopped for lunch. We ate at a place called "Union Station", a cafe at an old restored train station in Ogden that still had several cool old trains...

Before we headed back to the airport Wednesday night, we stopped off for dinner at a great restaurant in Salt Lake City called Faustina, located at 454 East 300 South. If you are ever in the area, check it out. the food was delicious.

-Rick Rockhill

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