Friday, January 19, 2007

San Diego Cold spell - Potential Ice Hazard

I know we're spoiled here in San Diego with generally nice weather, but this announcement takes the cake to demonstrate how helpless we Southern Californians are when a little cold weather comes. This is a legitimate e-mail about how cold its been San Diego. The announcement is from the Director of Safety to all employees here at the PETCO corporate office. Enjoy!

Subject: Cold spell - Potential Ice Hazard

Dear Colleagues

Some of you may have noticed this morning that ice had formed on the Rehco Road sidewalk. The Construction group are attempting to mitigate this for the rest of the cold spell. However, it is possible that ice may form in this area and on our property, so we would like to ask you all to be vigilant for this potential hazard. If you should see areas of ice during this cold snap that you believe may be a hazard to NSC associates please contact, by either email or phone, Judy at ext xxxx, or Martin at ext xxxx


- Rick Rockhill

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