Sunday, February 18, 2007

Palm Springs Modern Committee Benefit Party

Saturday night I attended a party to benefit the Palm Springs Modern Committee with a "Saturday Night Fever" 70's theme. Held at a private home situated on over 2 acres of land in south Palm Springs, the home was packed with a wide variety of guests. They had great 70's dance music with a dance floor out by the pool. Below left- groovy attire was one of the hallmarks of the evening. Below right: Palm Springs social scene maven Gloria Greer was enjoying a few moves on the dance floor (such fab glasses!)

Below left: The pool had wonderful oversized beach balls floating in it, and below right: a "martini glass" light image was projected onto the floor of the pool...a symbol of old Palm Springs for sure!

Below: left: The decor was retro-fun. Right: A gold sequin Booda statue greeted party guests and offered a corner of relative peace and tranquility.

Below: Outdoor party photos by the pool. The palm trees were lit-up in many different colors...

Below: These palm trees looked so spectacular against the dark desert sky.

Below: Me taking a moment to relax...doesn't everyone live like this?

- Rick Rockhill


  1. thanks for stopping by on my blog, I hope your niece enjoys the card making.

    Sturday Night fever was my teenage era - I recognise all of those things!

  2. Thanks for the kind words at my blog...they came at just the right time!!!

    What a great party - I want the candelabra (but only after I have the mansion to go with it!!!)

    Let's link ... sounds good to me. (I'm not sure that came out right..hmmm_


  3. Wow Rick!!!!!!!!!!

    When I visit Palm Springs I'm going to look you guys up!

    Great blog!


  4. Thanks for your comments on my blog, much appreciated.

    Very nice blog and a good read. Will check back soon.

    Hope you come back to my blog soon.



Thank you kindly.