Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Dinner at The White House

I recently had dinner at The White House, and what a dinner it was. I arrived in a stretch limosine, which is always a great way to start any evening! At dinner, the servers were all dressed formally in tuxedos. We were presented with a choice of several fine wines, served with fresh baked herb bread. Each course was prepared in great detail and the plates had such a beautiful presentation that made them even more delicious.

Above left: Lobster and Filet Mignon served with vegetables and a red butterfly made of tortilla shell. Above right: Organic Filet Mignon with the most amazing sauce. To the right was a giant "Leaning Tower of Pisa" made out of a cracker-type shell.

Above left: A dessert called: "The Jackie O", an impressive tower made out of sugar, with all sorts of fine detail, surrounded by a selection of miniature desserts. Above right: Banana tart topped with homemade ice cream with a sugar-brush topping.

Above: The side entrance to The White House was decorated with lights for a special touch that evening.

Overall it was an great evening that I truly enjoyed....at The White House restaurant in Anaheim CA!

- Rick Rockhill


  1. Wow! The white house??? What was the occasion. That is very cool regardless of what wrongly guided head pooba is sitting in the big oval office these days :)

  2. Had to stop by and say 'Howdy'. The food pics are way fun! I must admit that the most fun I had was over visiting with Uncle Ricky. It's just about the dearest blog I've ever seen. I had to show everyone in my household the cat...oh, the cat!
    Thanks for stopping by....

  3. Hehehe you had me going there for a moment lol. Sounds like a awesome evening out though and the food looks divine!!

    Glad you had a good time and thanks for stopping by my blog :)


  4. You had me going there Rick. I thought you'd been for dinner with the President! Great foodie photos. They made me feel hungry!


Thank you kindly.