Friday, March 16, 2007

Scandal or No Scandal? YOU decide...

So I recently came across this replica of a vase with Ancient Egyptian characters and symbols on it. It was brought to my attention by someone with way too much time on their hands that the images on this are promoting homosexuality. Apparently, there is an image with an Egyptian man with a (ahem) "lower appendage extended", and another image of two Egytpian men holding hands (GASP!). What do YOU see? Scandalous ancient vase imagery, or innocent ancient symbols? Are the Ancient Egyptians trying to promote alternative lifestyles or are there overactive imaginations in modern America? Take a closer look at the images above and YOU decide. PLEASE CLICK BELOW AND LEAVE A COMMENT WITH YOUR THOUGHTS
-Rick Rockhill


  1. This is pretty funny....where can I get one??

  2. I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that this is an image depicting the love between two men... I want to know what went in this vase and where it was displayed!

  3. Dear Palm Springs Savant....

    Being a Vegas girl, we are very liberal and happy to all forms of love expressed throught time.

    All I can say to the Egyptians is "YOU GO GIRL!"

    P.S. : How's my Momma doin'....she cleaning those toilets to your likin'?

    Love all around

    Shanaynay Smith

  4. My vote is "no scandal". The ancient Egyptians had a different view of things and celebrated the male sexual energy etc. Mostly a yawner issue, but as you say, modern america is still shocked by anythng thats not mainstream

  5. Rick- its quite interesting indeed. Usually this sort of stuff tells a story. I wonder what story they were telling with this.

  6. Well, they were rather closely associated with the Ancient Greeks - & that kind of stuff has been part of Greek lore forever...

    They were probably as not as uptight as @51% of voting America...


Thank you kindly.