Monday, November 19, 2007

Desert Samaritans Award and Benefit: Starring Rita Rudner

On Saturday evening I attended the "Good Samaritan of the Year" Award Dinner and Benefit for the Desert Samaritans for the Elderly. It was a formal event that began with a silent auction during a cocktail reception. There was a wide variety of interesting items up for bid, with the goal of raising money to help the elderly of the Palm Springs area. The Oxford American Dictionary defines a Good Samaritan as "A genuinely charitable person who goes out of his way to help others". This year's award was presented to Palm Springs resident Harold Matzner, an entrepreneur and philanthropist who owns the popular restaurant Spencer's at the Mountain in Palm Springs, and is also CEO of a major new Jersey-based branding, advertising and marketing firm. The evening was filled with generous people who not only donate money, but time and energy as well. The Desert Samaritans provide a wide range of assistance to the elderly including: financial aid, groceries, wheelchair & ambulatory transportation, buddy visiting program, advocacy and general information and referral services.
Comedian Rita Rudner Entertains
Above: Comedian Rita Rudner performed before dinner and had the audience laughing in no time. Rita Rudner is a popular favorite with the locals; she lived in Palm Desert before moving to Las Vegas a few years ago for her successful show on the strip.
Above left: The event had spectacular fresh floral arrangements everywhere which provided a wonderful atmosphere to the evening. Above right: Each table in the ballroom was set beautifully with fantastic centerpieces.

Above: After Rita Rudner performed, the Johnny Meza band provided live music throughout the night, along with vocalist Lola Rossi. It was a fun evening that ended up raising a lot of money for the Desert Samaritans for the Elderly.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I love her act. She's really funny and I don't generally have a thing for stand up comedians.

  2. Very worthy cause, and you look very dapper, Mr. Rockhill.

  3. I love coming to your blog-you always do the most interesting things! :)

  4. you REALLY do get around my friend!!!!

    smiles, bee

  5. Rick, you look so dapper! It looks like a lovely event!

  6. Corky- yeah, Rita Rudner is hilarious.

    Songbird/Kerry and Rachel- thank you (blushing)

    Karma- the feeling is mutual actually :-)

  7. What an excellent way to spend an evening.....looks like a great time......and the hot guy in the pic, oh my god!

  8. GLad that you had a good time! Johnny Meza awesome!!!
    I like the name too of the function..very savvy!

  9. Look how handsome you are! More men should take cues from you my friend. Looks as if the evening was wonderful. Thanks for sharing. ^^

  10. Rita Rudner is too dry and sounds bored to me most of the time.

    I want Margaret Cho headlining in Vegas damnit!

  11. Whoo-whoot! What a good-looking fellow you are when you're all shined up!

    Sounds like a great cause and a fun evening. Rita Rudner is so very funny. I love her under-stated wisecracks.

    I’ve been working more and more on the development of my photography, trying to learn the technical stuff I should know (and there's lots to learn), developing a line of postcards and greeting cards, and trying to get organized. As a result, blogging has been on the back burner.

    I think of you, now and then sneak a quick look at your blog and what’s happening in your life, but for the most part I haven’t been doing a lot of reading or commenting. It’s probably time for me to take a break and come back when I can spend reasonable time visiting as well as writing.

    Thank you for sharing glimpses of your life with me, have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday, and I hope to “see you” soon!

    Wiz’d Wiz’d

  12. I was going to use the word dapper, but maybe handsome fits it better. Seems like you so have quite the life. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  13. I like Rita Rudner. I'll bet that was so much fun.

  14. Looks like you had a great time all for a good cause. And as others have stated, that guy pictured is quite dapper and can I say, "Svelte?"

  15. sounds like it was a great night...the pics are amazing...of course, you looked dapper in your tux...

  16. Great cause. I had the pleasure of meeting Rita backstage earlier this year in Vegas. What a beautiful lady!


Thank you kindly.