Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Exploring Wines: Part 4- Pairing Suggestions with Turkey

Today is part four in my "Exploring Wine" series. I decided to focus on pairing wine with food. People often ask what wine to drink with meat, fish, poultry, etc. As I've written before, the only rule I follow with wine is to drink what you like.
With the Thanksgiving holiday in the US is just a few days away, I've received a few e-mails from readers asking for advice on what wine to serve with turkey. I do have a few suggestions for the types of wine I like with a traditional Thanksgiving turkey dinner. In general, think lighter wines with turkey. For white wine I suggest a Sauvignon Blanc, and for the red, go with a Pinot Noir. If you are dining with people who enjoy wine, I highly suggest starting with the Sauvignon Blanc, and working your way to the Pinot Noir with the turkey itself. I am partial to reds, so that is what I will show today. Pinots are known for having a light to medium body with aromas like black cherry, currant and even raspberry.
Tasting the Pinot Noir

Above: Pinot Noirs usually have a lighter color than many other reds. As with any wine, always observe the color first. Whether white or red, take a look. Enjoy the richness of the wine. Let your mind wander with the color...how does it make you feel? Warm and cozy? Light and airy?

Above: Then smell the wine. Put your nose right in the glass and inhale deeply. Close your eyes and let your senses take over. Then sip it, and enjoy. A Pinot will smell and taste lighter than many reds as well.
Relax with the wine and enjoy yourself

Living in Palm Springs, I like to enjoy my wine outside, under the big desert sky. But wherever you live, when you drink wine, r-e-l-a-x, enjoy it. Let the flavor wash over you, so to speak. Let it romance you. Enjoy some chocolate as you sip your wines...it enhances the flavor!

Try a range of wines

Above: For Thanksgiving dinner, consider serving a range of two or three wines for your guests to enjoy. Serve with fresh grapes, sliced apples, cheese, mixed nuts and a good, high quality dark chocolate.
A Few Suggestions from My Wine Cellar

Above left: Chateau St. Jean Fume Blanc, and above right: Cakebread Sauvignon Blanc
Above left: MacMurray Pinot Noir
And for after dinner...a nice Port
Above: Try serving a Port Wine after dinner. With a cheese plate, fresh fruit or just alone. I like this Ledson Port, it is absolutely delicious.
Whatever you serve, I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy the wine!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Great suggestions! I will look up that Port Wine. I enjoy Port but don't know much about it.
    The Beaujolais Nouveau just arrived. It is very nice with a cheese course.

  2. Excellent choices! The MacMurray is one of my favs!

    What time's dinner on Thursday? I don't wanna be late! : )

    Caught the Ellen Big Show last night! Lotsa fun there. The Jump Rope Team ROCKED!!!! Thanks for the heads up on that one.

  3. oooh, Cakebread, one of my favorites! I like the explanation with it...let it take over you..I will remember that on Thanksgiving..to just relax and sip away.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!
    Crusty and her four beloved "guys."

  4. How about a nice, chilled blush with the Turkey. Blush has received such bad press over the years but is definitely enjoying a bit of a comeback, especially in the summer.

    And don't forget OREGON WINES:


  5. I love the photos, Rick. You staged everything beautifully.

  6. I have never been a fan of wine but you certainly make it sound yummy...

    thanks for sharing..hope you have a great holiday.

  7. Have a great Thanksgiving! :)

    P.S. I emailed you yesterday....

  8. I really love wine. And I feel the same way as you--drink what you like and you can't go wrong!

    Happy Thanksgiving!:)

  9. Great post Rick. I visited a port house on a trip to Portugal a couple of years ago and brought some back. My Mum likes it but I can't drink red wine at all. It gives me a headache so I drink white instead. Chardonnay is a favourite.

  10. Great suggestions! I'm very partial to reds myself and try to make sure I drink some every day to keep me healthy. ;-)

    Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I see you like all things English and Welsh.

    I have a slideshow on my blog with some pictures from the 3 1/2 week trip I took to England and Wales in August this year.

    England and Wales

    I'm going back this spring. :-)


Thank you kindly.