Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Eve Greetings

Well it's the last day of 2007. Where did this year go to anyway? Apparently I spent it sipping martinis all over town...see "exhibit A" at left, as most recent evidence. (I'm enjoying a Blue Raspberry Martini with my friend Jim at Melvyn's Restaurant in this photo from last week). All kidding aside, I have always felt New Year's Eve to be quite a solemn ocassion. There is something about the passage of time and the significance of that milestone that makes me feel melancholic. I tend to be reflective and spend time thinking about my life. I am grateful for that with which I have been blessed. I am fortunate to have my health, and good fortune on many levels. So today I shall be mindful of life's blessings, celebrate the end of another year, and welcome in the new one.
Being The Palm Springs Savant, I have plans to celebrate New Year's Eve on the town, of course! No doubt another round of martinis will be in order. Last week when out to dinner at Melvyn's I was recognized in the cocktail lounge by a local reader of this blog. I was being escorted to my table, when out of nowhere I hear someone call out: "Are you Rick Rockhill?" I stopped, turned and smiled and the voice continued: "...from The Palm Springs Savant, right?" We chatted for a few minutes as the rest of my dinner party was seated. I'm always happy to meet people who read this blog. Lately I've been running into more and more, right here in Palm Springs. So if you are reading this, and plan to be in Palm Springs to celebrate New Year's Eve, don't hesitate to say hello if you see me out and about town. I may even buy you a martini!
Wishing everyone around the world, to right here in Palm Springs peace, health, happiness and prosperity for this new year.

What do you plan to do for New Year's Eve? Don't be shy now...
-Rick Rockhill


  1. we're doing Times Square, with all the insanity, crowds and chaos, but I'm sure it will be a fun night.

  2. I saw your comment over at IMAGINE, and thought...WOW! I must go visit because I haven't been to your blog in a very long time!
    I hope your New Years is a smashing one---And I don't mean that as in 'accident'...Designated Drivers, Please....! (lol)

    I do wish you a wonderful 2008...and may it be The Best Year, Ever!

    I have a little small dinner party every year and we play The White Elephant Game, and it is always a WONDERFUL Evening!
    Hope yours is, too!

  3. David- Times Square? you must be insane...but have a great time!

    Oldladyofthehills- great to see you again, thanks for dropping by. I like the idea of a White Elephant Game on New Year's. what a clever idea.

  4. Rick...I know Dickie very very well! His sister Joyce, is one of my closest friends and has been since 1962! I love that he is getting a STAR on The Palm Springs Walk Of Fame. Give him my love, PLEASE! I just talked to Joyce yesterday and was asking about Dickie's health....I wish I could come down for that, but my Health Issues keep me pretty much confined to my home and out of "crowds" of people....! I have always LOVED the Desert! I am not sure I could live there year round, but...I LOVE the weather and the look of the mountains as the sun moves around....I haven't been there in many years....In fact. the last time I was there, it was for 'the day'...On Mothers Day about 5 years ago...Betty Gsrrett's daughter in law, Karen Culliver, was performing at The Museum Theatre, there----"THE LEADING LADIES"...these three gals all played Christine in Phantom Of The Opera, on Broadway and in many other company's. We drove down for the day--Betty and two other friends....In fact I did the driving. Anyway, it was a GREAT Afternoon...!

    It sounds like you have a very good life there, Rick....!

  5. Happy new year. A man who drink martini's is a future friend of mine.

  6. Partner of 28yrs and I will be fast asleep---in Seattle;BUT except for Palm Springs, been there done that, I will celebrate vicariously with you and your martini(s)!! MAY YOUR NEW YEAR BE HAPPY AND GAY!

  7. jetpass- I'll have a martini in your honor!

    Thanks Diane...happy new year to you both!

  8. Does 'not a lot' count as doing something on New Year's Eve?

    Have a good New Year.

  9. I plan on living vicariously through your New Year's celebration! Although mine will involve Grey Goose, I'm thinking it will be far more quiet and reserved than yours!

    Happy New Year!

  10. Hey Rick,
    I have no plans yet. If you would fly me to Palm Springs for New Years, I'll promise to recognize you in a crowd and yell, "Oh my God! It's Rick Rockhill from 'The Palm Springs Savant!"

  11. Happy New Year Rick Rockhill from The Palm Springs Savant! :)

    I'll be going to 1st night Boston, but not actually "going" to 1st night Boston...just walking aruond Boston Common and getting drinks with a few people, then fireworks.

    Happy New Year!!!

    PS New Year's makes me feel a little sad too.

  12. sarge and i will be staying home tonight but i shall think of you and all my blogging buddies and wish you a very happy healthy and prosperous new year. thanks for brightening my 2007!

    smiles, bee

  13. Wow, how cool-you're a star!!!! :) I'm having a quiet, reflective New Year's in with the dog and mapping my year. Super fun, huh? ;) Have fun tonight and ooohhh, drink a martini for me! A blue or purple one please. :)

  14. me? my husband wants to go to one party, my kids prefer a different one...traps me in the middle. truthfully, i'd prefer a movie and my blanket.

    happy new year, rick :)

  15. Happy New Year - enjoy those martinis!
    I'm sticking with wine.

  16. Happy New Years to you! That BR martini looks fabulous and I'd certainly let you buy one for me if I was so lucky to be in PS!

    We'll be dining at a friend's house then off to a musical evening and wrapping up at the annual lesbian party. Fun stuff!

  17. Mags- First Night in Boston is a lot of fun, even just to stroll through it.

    karma- I'll see if there is such a thing as a purple martini and will let you know!

    Well the moveie and a blanket DOES sound good actually...

  18. Happy New Year from Paris!

    My wife and I'll be drinking Champagne and eating foie gras to see the New Year in (the kids will probably have gone to bed).

    Enjoy your Martinis!

  19. Happy New Year Rick. You know, I love gin but have never tried a martini. We will toast with a glass or two of Prosecco and watch movies together on New Year's Eve--sedate but safe. I'll think of you and hope the evening is fun.

  20. Wishing you all the best for the coming year, Rick.

  21. Thanks for dropping by our blog! We'll be here entertaining the cats and providing warm laps for them to sit in tonight.

    Luf, Maw

  22. Sheila- mmmm enjoy that Prosecco...a nice Italian wine is a great way to ring in the new year!

  23. Just don't get so big-headed you stop giving autographs.

  24. Zen Wizard- LOL. yeah right. I don't have that sort of recognition going on! But even if I did I'm a down to earth guy and will always remember the humble beginnings of my little blog...

    :-) Happy New Year!

  25.            ×
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  26. Happy New Year, Rick.

    What I'm going to do is -- once again -- eat too much.:) If I were anywhere near Palm Springs, I'd drop by and have a martini with you. Alas...

  27. Sit at home (alone), pause the movie long enough to watch the ball drop, and drink a little champagne. Exciting no?

    Have a Happy New Year!

  28. Dinner at a yummy Italian restaurant. No sex (that was so last night). Bed well before midnight. HNY

  29. whimsical- sounds good to me! Enjoy~

    Lewis- I love Italian food. Sleep well tonight and see you next year.

  30. Have a great time tonite! I'll probably be asleep by midnite...while the millions of people get crazy in Times Square...
    (I've been sick all week ;-(
    But it's all good, in spite of it all........

  31. Happy New Year! Wish I was there.

  32. Happy New Year Rick!

    I, too, take this yearly passage as a time for reflection ... although I must admit to watching my reflection swirl around in a glass occasionally! ;)

  33. Me? Oh, I'll just be filling out college applications on New Year's eve.

    I wish I were kidding.

    Have a happy 2008!

  34. Any establishment with Elvis' picture on their cocktail napkins is my kind of place!! And you were recognized there, too! I love it!!

    Happy New Year!

  35. Drink a martini for me tonight, OK? I'm in with the 'kids.'

    Have a wonderful 2008!

  36. Wow! You're famous and a celebrity, and people know you,!

    Happy New Year, Rick. May you 2008 be peaceful, joyful, and prosperous.

  37. Happy New Year Rick! I spent my New Year's Eve at a houseparty with friends.

  38. Happy New Year Rick!!
    That must be so awesome to have someone recognize you from your blog!! Thank goodness no one here reads mine! ;)


  39. You are the legend Rick!
    Happy Martinis! I thought of you on New Years eve will sipping my pom. martini!

    Crusty and family!

  40. Hmph! That's odd! I have no idea where my last comment went! I posted it a few hours ago! Anyhooooz, hope you had a wonderful New Year's celebration and may 2008 be a truly fantastic one for you.

    P.S. I'm soooooo glad you left a comment on my blog before and so glad that I followed you over to your blog! Great blog and it's become one of my daily "must read" blogs! You totally rock, Rick Rockhill! ;)


  41. One more thing! That Blue Raspberry Martini looks divine!!! All of a sudden I'm craving a Pomtini RIGHT NOW!!! LOL! Do you like pomegranate martinis?

    Anyway, may your 2008 be filled with copious amounts of good food, wonderful art work to blog about and never ending rounds of martinis!!!


Thank you kindly.