Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wisdom Wednesdays: Featuring Dr Wang & Madame Esmeralda

DR WANG & Madame Esmeralda
This is Madame Esmeralda's last week in Palm Springs, and her final appearance on Wisdom Wednesdays. Dr Wang would like to sincerely thank Madame Esmeralda, the Gypsy fortune teller for doing such a fantastic job the past month and a half. One final time, Madame Esmeralda lends her special brand of advice to Dr Wang's readers. Click the video below to check out this week's special message from Madame Esmeralda:

This week’s letter is from Cornelia in Wheaton, IL.
Cornelia writes; Dear Dr Wang,

I love your column each week, and look forward to Wednesdays to print it and share it with my co-workers over morning coffee. I am writing about one of the bosses here in our office. One of the girls discovered he is having an affair with a woman from the office building next door. The trouble is that we are a small company, and we often have lunch with his wife every few weeks. We like her very much and feel guilty that we know her husband is cheating on her. Should we tell her what we know? We all agreed that we would want to know if it were one of us, but it is quite different since we work for her husband. It’s a mess, but I just don’t know what to do. What does your good fish wisdom see?


Dr Wang responds, Dear Cornelia,

This was much easier than I expected. The Great Bubble Wall was very clear with the answer. Your boss’s wife already knows that her husband is cheating on her. She has decided to live with it, to preserve her marriage and the convenience of their life. Interestingly, there were some heart-shaped bubbles, indicating that they still love each other in some way. My suggestion is to stay out of the situation and do not mention the other woman to her at all. However, there is something far worse he is hiding from his wife. It appears he has a child from another woman who is now a teenager. And needs money for her education. This will present issues for his wife when there is a sudden reduction in cash as he pays his secret daughter's tuition. You will discover this when she visits her father at the office in a few weeks. You can innocently mention to the wife how delightful her daughter is the next time you see her. This will tip her off, since the only child she has with your boss is a son.

It will take her by surprise, but she will be grateful for this knowledge.

Keep Swimming Upstream,
-Dr Wang

"Wisdom Wednesdays" features the sage advice of our resident oracle, psychic betta fish "Dr Sidney Wang". Believed to be a reincarnated descendant of King Rama II of Siam, Dr Wang responds to e-mail submissions with advice, predictions of the future and conveys ancient proverbs to provide guidance and support. Dr Sidney Wang's 24 Hour Wisdom, Advice and Inspiration service is also available from the left side navigation for this feature.


  1. Madame Esmeralda is cute!

    I Love your Dr Wang Column! & Of course Dr Wang too who is always telling me to let go of the past!

    How do I tell him I have...

  2. You haven't heard the worst of it. The oracle thingie didn't say anything about the Lithuanian midgets (oops ... small people) with the pony and the trampoline?

  3. how does Dr Wang do it? His clarity of the future is amazing

  4. As always, Dr Wang got it "hooked" just right...oops sorry Wang..guess you don't wanna be hooked...

    You are as wise as always, oh great fish!!

  5. A fond farewell to Madame Esmerelda...Dr. Wang you are so much better than that Phil guy.

  6. Surprisingly sound advice!

    I don't know where Wang got his doctorate, but it must have been Stanford.


Thank you kindly.