Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mountains of Palm Springs

One of the things I love about living in Palm Springs is how beautiful the mountains are, particularly in the early morning light. I always say that no two days are the same here, depending on the position of the sun, the atmosphere and the season. At left: this is the view from my bedroom, looking west, toward the San Jacinto Mountains. I love how the early morning sun drenched these mountains in such rich colors. It inspired me to go out and take some photos of the mountains...

above: Although you can barely see me, it's the mountains I wanted you to see. I'm sitting in front of the Palm Springs sign when you first arrive in Palm Springs from highway 111. This is a slight southwest view of the San Jacinto Mountains.

above: A view of the San Bernadino mountains, looking due north. The temperature on the floor of the desert was nearly 80 degrees, the mountains are still snow-capped.

above: I took this photo from the foothills of the San Jacinto mountains. There is plenty of snow deep in the crevices of the mountain, its about 10,000 feet high at the top.

above: A sliver of sunset...I like the way these wispy clouds were glowing red, pink and orange. It was another beautiful day in Palm Springs.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Stopping by to say hello! It looks gorgeous there.

  2. Pretty photos.

    You know what I see out of my bedroom window?? If I drink wine heavily and don't wear my glasses (I''m myopic) -- the apartment buildings in the valley remind me of Portofino Italy (without the water, of course!)


  3. Oh how I miss them thar mountains! It's so very nice seeing them again, Rick. Thank you!

    Next time, if you will look NNE of the San Bernadino mountain shot, Rick, you'll almost be peering into my neck of the woods.

    Maryannaville is located in the San Joaquin Valley desert along the foothills of the Southeastern Sierra Nevada mountain range. I'll be the one waving at ya. ~:o)

  4. wow! spectacular!

    I love mountainscapes, although I am sure life on Hill Station must be pretty difficult!

  5. Some really great photos, Rick, of some truly beautiful sights! I look out my window and right now, all I see around me is snow, snow and some more darned snow! Come on Spring!

  6. Those are great pics! I love seeing the mountains when I come to the States. It is so different to the gentle rolling hills of Kent.

  7. that top picture really is gorgeous.

  8. your mountains are lovely. my mountains in podunk are much different looking, when i get back there next month i will show you...

    smiles, bee

  9. I just love that area outside the LA basin.

  10. Very nice photos. It's nice that you don't have the smog of LA or Phoenix. I love the mountains here but they always have a huge haze except after the rain.

    I need to go out and take more photos...

  11. I live in Alaska and I am surrounded by mountains, but I think that I would be quite happy with yours if I had to move south, Rick. They are different but just as majestic. Do they get cold in the higher altitudes or are they as warm as Palm Springs?

    I think that if I ever get to go to California that I will not do the man-made Disneyland, but go to Palm Springs to enjoy what you show us instead. I think that I could walk and walk down your palm-lined streets and never grow tired. Does your air smell like spices or salt water?

  12. I live in Alaska and I am surrounded by mountains, but I think that I would be quite happy with yours if I had to move south, Rick. They are different but just as majestic. Do they get cold in the higher altitudes or are they as warm as Palm Springs?

    I think that if I ever get to go to California that I will not do the man-made Disneyland, but go to Palm Springs to enjoy what you show us instead. I think that I could walk and walk down your palm-lined streets and never grow tired. Does your air smell like spices or salt water?

  13. Is anything in California NOT picturesque? (Ok, ok, the smog over LA, but you know what I mean!)

  14. How very lovely! Thank you for sharing your view with us. :-)

  15. I think it's so ironic how cool it can be up at the top of the mountain even when it's a cooker down below. I've only heard about it, and have never actually been to the top myself.

  16. Oh yes, the last time I was in the Springs back in 2000, I remember the mountains very well, especially the ones where the sun sets most noticeably.

    The downside: the San Andreas Fault is right there! It sure makes for a beautiful landscape though!

  17. oh gosh they are so pretty, I just love that first photo especially.


Thank you kindly.