Monday, March 10, 2008

Meet Lola, dinner party hostess extraordinaire

This past Saturday evening, I attended a dinner party at the home of some friends in the Canyon Country Club Estates area of South Palm Springs. Our hostess for the evening was "Lola, the dinner party hostess extraordinaire" (pictured left). Lola welcomed visitors to her home with unbridled enthusiasm. She was elegantly attired, wearing a stunning black fur ensemble, which was perfect for a winter's evening in the desert. We enjoyed cocktails outdoors, poolside and relaxed under the star-filled desert sky. I chatted endlessly while sipping a Cosmopolitan martini and catching up with the goings-on of our social circle. The second Cosmo was as delicious as the first...but soon it was time for dinner...

above: When asked about the dinner menu, Lola confirms it is delicious...then offered her lobster toy as an appetizer.

above: After dinner, a "healthy" chocolate birthday cake, made from almond flour was served. The candles read: "Over the Hill", which amused the birthday boy at the table. It was served with a dollop of fresh whipped cream and sliced strawberries that had been soaking in something yummy. It was a fun evening, but soon our lovely hostess Lola was exhausted, so we headed home, satisfied after a delicious meal.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. So THAT'S what happened to Lola after her show girl career was over!

  2. Mmmm...chocolate birthday cake...YUM!

  3. She's lovely, and it's nice to see that her fur is politically correct!

  4. Aw, look at li'l LOLA.

    She's quite the adorable hostess.

  5. I hate when dinner gets in the way of happy hour! It sounds like a nice evening. Glad you had a good time.

  6. Her name was Lola-- now she's a dog now! A reddish lobster in her mouth and a mansion in the south! She is a hostess too! And her guests improved! Rick Rockhill is her guest and now she parties with the best!

    This song will be in my head all day!

  7. Look at that sweet face!


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