Saturday, March 8, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Interesting Things Found in My Closet

As I sat down to pen this week's Saturday Seven post I was inspired by my cat. Owen was exploring the inside of my closet, curled up on a shelf enjoying the relative peace and quiet of a Saturday morning. I love how he can amuse himself, batting at hanging sleeves of shirts, "boxing" with the dangling ties, or finding comfort on a pile of folded shirts. This inspired me to write another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Interesting Things Found in My Closet
#1 Tommy Bahama Straw Hat- I love this hat. I first bought it for our cruise to the Mexican Riviera last year, to shield me from the sun's harmful rays. It is perfect here in the desert too!

#2 Ascots- Also known as Cravats. I have tons of them, in every color, style and pattern you can imagine. Sure, mostly 90 year old men or Aristocrats in England wear them, but I think they have a distinctive look and plan to single handedly bring them back in fashion.
#3 Waistcoats & Vests- These are the perfect accessory and add a nice touch. I have quite a few actually, that I've worn casually with jeans or dressed up with a tux.

#4 Shoes, Shoes and more Shoes- I like unusual shoes; these are my red leather, and light blue suede shoes. Now that I've written this, Peg & Jennifer will tease me to no end.
#5 Jackets, Blazers and Sport coats Galore- I have a lot of suits and tuxes, but it is my sports jackets that help me express my personality and individuality. For example, in this line up: Green Velvet, Black Crushed-Velvet, Camel Hair, Harris Tweed, and a Tan Herringbone.
#6: Brooks Brothers "Golden Fleece" Polo shirts- I think I have every color they have ever made. Here are just two stacks (not folded very well I'm embarrassed to admit). These are what I wear instead of t-shirts.

#7 Boxes of Stuff- I have a variety of boxes that hold little stuff: rings, cuff links, collar stay-tabs, spare buttons, you name it. I'm always rifling through these boxes to find something to match a tie, jacket or shirt.

Bonus entry- For some reason I have my poker chip set in my closet. Owen likes to bat around the chips if I don't keep the lid closed. I love to play cards, and actually bought this ridiculously overpriced set.
So those are just some of the Interesting Things Found in My Closet...what's in yours??? Go ahead, leave a comment, it's FREE and FUN!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. The only similarity in our closets is that mine often has a ginger moggy sleeping in it too!

    And I think the cravats suit you!

  2. i LOVE those blue shoes. you used to have a photo on your sidebar wearing them and they always make me happy!

    smiles, bee

  3. Is this a walk-in closet or a separate wing in your house ;)

    I love shoes too (the ex called me "Imelda" sometimes...) but you have a much bolder taste in colors!

  4. I loved that comment about 90 year old men wearing cravats or ascots - but Rick, you look sooooo suave and debonair with them! You know the saying "Clothes make the man" (isn't there one about that?) anyway, I do think you cut a great appearance all decked out or just going casual! Lookin' fine, Man and there ain't a darned thing wrong with that!!!

  5. I always knew you were a snazzy dresser but now that I see your closet, I'm even more sure. I love your style and I love that you wear ascots.

    And red and blue shoes. :)

  6. the hat, I like that hat. I think you've had that on before in some photo, right?

  7. Your Closet is filled with BEAUTIFUL things, Rick....And so very neat, too! I laughed when I saw your stack of Polo Shirts (I LOVE that you have them in every color...) And said they weren'r stacked neatly...LOL...They sure looked neat to me, my dear...!
    And Owen...He sure is a cutie...!

    BTW: The Hollywood Roosevent is less than 6 minutes from me....So, next tier you are in L.A.....Call Me! And also, The Star for GAIL KOBE is on March 29th...Betty G. is coming down for it.....! I sure wish I could....But, it's not possible, I'm sorry to say....Gail is a very very good and dear old friend....!

  8. the ascots are groovy looking. so are the vests. you're one snappy dresser. my closet would reveal me to be anything but snappy...

    1. the hats from each of my grandfathers' WW2 uniforms

    2. an orange and yellow tie dyed shalwar kameez (indian style tunic and baggy pants)

    3. big blue dashiki

    4. over night bags and toiletry bags

    5. 2 corsets

    6. 2 strange contraptions i used to have to hook my head into when i was recovering from a bad whiplash.

    7. my sons's outgrown straw amish hat from when we work at the historical farm.

  9. If my closet were that fun, I would have never come out!

  10. What a great idea for a post. I'll have to remember that. It must be so nice to have such a large selection of clothing and accessories to choose from. I love it all.

  11. Wow...pretty neat stuff..stored very neatly i must say!
    I converted one of my spare rooms into a closet and that room has a walk in closet! lol. I need an extra one just for my handbags. But

  12. My father wears a cravat, so im a big fan!

  13. You should have ZZ Top's "Sharp Dressed Man" playing in the background as people read this post.

  14. First, my best friend, our hair stylist and yours truly were talking about ascots - which led to the debate:

    Where does one actually purchase an ascot?

    As you know, I adore Owen so I was catching up on your blog this morning and said to my son: "Look at my blog friend's cat, Owen."

    The response:
    "Owen's head is really big, but his body is really skinny. That's just messed up."

    Thought you would appreciate that observation.

    My closet has my shoes stored in boxes stacked on the top shelf.

    It used to be in color order and then broken down by tops, jackets, skirts and slacks.

    Right now? It is a disaster. I am humbled by your orderly closet. You should come do mine.

  15. I have several of the women's Brooks Brothers polos too. They are a clasic that I won't give up.

  16. Lots of comments and a few e-mails about the Ascots/Cravats, so I'll respond generally to everyone. It is darn hard to find ascots here in the US. I've bought most of mine in London. But you can find them in New York City, at the Brooks Brothers on Madison/46th and also a nice selection at Paul Stewart on Madison/47th. And if you look hard enough, there are places online, but they are a bit pricey.

    Anyway- I wish fashion designers would start showing them again...they really are a much better option than a tie, not as constraining around the neck. Someday they will come back.

  17. You've got way more clothes than I do... I'll bet your closet is the size of our condo... LOL!

  18. Very interesting list...the poker set is very cool..and of course, you can never have too many shoes.

    My cat loves our closet too.

  19. Absolutely NONE of these things surprise me about you, Rick. Really, truly.

    My closet is littered with hundreds of shoes. Oy vey.

    Just call me Imelda.

  20. You shame Elton John!

    My closet is full of April Cornell designed clothes and things that I have confiscated from my children for being naughty!

  21. Oooh, closets, this is a bit like the "What's in Your Handbag" tag I did a couple of years ago. It was fun. I actually had a little retail therapy tonight and was thinking of sharing the pics. But I think the closet tag will come soon after.

    [There is a Brooks Brothers here in London now, and I love the fact that it is American :)
    In fact the American guy I dated last year wore lots of Brooks Bros and RL. Also, whilst here he frequented Charles Tyrwhitt and other Jermyn Street establishments.]

  22. You look great in a cravat! Back in the 1960's to the 80's they were the accepted thing and a lot of men wore one. And now, when I wear one, I find I am often told by guys that they would like to get one too..or they have some at home and althoug they would love to wear them, they feel they may be critised. Life is too short. If you like it..wear it!


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