Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Padres Game with Cesar Millan

Last night I went to watch the San Diego Padres take on the Arizona Diamondbacks. It was a great game, for two reasons: first, our Padres WON, 8-5! It's been a rough season, so this win was a welcome celebration. The second reason is because Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer was in our company suite as our guest. Cesar was in town promoting his new line of Dog Whisperer dog food and supplies. You may recall me doing a post about it this past Saturday. Last night, Cesar made an appearance before the game started, then was on TV during the game from our suite. He brought two dogs from his pack, "Daddy" and "Junior", who are such great dogs, and very well behaved. If you like Cesar Millan, then check out his special video message.

above: Cesar watched the game from the balcony in our company suite. You can see his two dogs next to him in the photo above left.

above: This was me kneeling down to pet "Junior" who is such a sweet dog with a great disposition. For what it's worth, not only does my company carry the exclusive line of Dog Whisperer products, but I am also using them myself. I am also trying to use Cesar's methods to train our puppy Sheldon. Hopefully it works! Anyway it was a fun night at the ballpark.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Rick, so now you will be known as the Sheldon whisperer...LOL!

  2. Excellent! Good times. I've only watched his show one time but enjoyed it.

  3. Awesome, I really like Cesar and wish I had dogs just so I could try some of his methods.

    You are one lucky dude.

  4. Cesear's skills really are amazing. He teaches us so much about how to communicate with dogs. They also sorta work on people.

    P.L. Frederick (SMALL & big)

  5. I believe Cesar is training Junior to be a replacement for Daddy as he gets up in years. Cesar is really great to watch.

  6. Hello - Who are you ? I have just returned from a 3 year stay in France, so I have been out of touch with who's who, both in America and Canada. I browzed through your website and found that we have something in common ... a Standard Poodle ! I took the 'girl' with me to France and what a STAR she was over there ! You see - Standard Poodles have not been seen since the 1950's in France ... so, every time her and I were out walking ... there is not a day that someone did not take a picture of her. I also keep her in a Continental trim which only increased every one's curiosity. As for myself - I am French Canadian with Native blood; You can imagine the 'picture' that both of us made, walking in the South of France or in Paris !!! I could go on and on here ... Anyhow, please let me know Who you are and What you do. I am very curious to find out. Hélène

  7. cesar milan kicks butt!


Thank you kindly.