Monday, July 7, 2008

A Perfect Long Weekend

The long holiday weekend just wasn't long enough, but then are they ever? I was in the pool most of the weekend, floating along, gazing up into the clear blue skies and feeling the sunshine warm my face. Yes, it was a perfect summer weekend in the desert. I was happy to be home with very little on the agenda. We were invited to a few parties, which we squeezed in here and there. Koshimi, Owen and Sheldon seemed overjoyed that they had us around. Shimi in particular loves to sit next to the grill and watch me cook. His excellent sense of smell tells him there are juicy burgers being made. After all these years he's learned that if he waits long enough, staring at the grill intently, occasionally something will fall through the grill and onto the ground. He is all too willing to clean up any such grilling misfortunes. It's a tough job but someone has to do it.

Sheldon Takes Swimming Lessons

above: Sheldon takes to the water and finds he really likes it!

above: after his swim, Sheldon gets a towel dry pat-down...

above: ...but a good shake does the trick to get rid of the water deep in his coat!

above: All is well that ends well. Sheldon knows he is a future Olympic dog swimmer in the making...
-Rick Rockhill


  1. OH, SHUT UP! Oops, sorry, Seattle speaking here...4,000 lightning strikes, rain, hail, stay under a cover all day...sigh. Wait...ok, I'm going, I'm going, ahhhhhhh, Palm Springs. Whew.

  2. You spent the weekend in the pool drinking alcohol!?! Drinking alcohol in the pool!?!?!

    I am so jealous. When I come visit and emerge from the pool I hope you will pat me down too... and hand me my drink. :)

  3. Glad you had a nice relaxing weekend and you're right! They are always too short. Even the three day weekends.

  4. I'm glad you relaxed..and Sheldon learned how to swim! :-)

  5. i love that fresh out of the pool/tub look on a cute!

  6. that is one cute dog!

  7. Oh man, that pool looks so inviting!

  8. sounds like you had a terrific time. i just got back from an also too short time away but aaahhhhhh so nice.

  9. lovely weekend my friend!

    smiles, bee

  10. Cute poodle! Trace would *love* to have a pool!

  11. Can't decide who has it tougher. Koshimi waiting for something off the grill or Sheldon swimming in the pool in Palm Springs? I hope you all had a happy 4th.

  12. LOL at Tod.
    That pool looks heavenly....

  13. It was a fabuloulsy enjoyable long weekend here too!! Hugs to your olympic swimmer!!:)


  14. It was a nice weekend here, but no pool!
    Sheldon certainly looks like he's enjoying it!

  15. There's nothing so wonderful as a perfect long weekend in the summer. Oh wait, is it always summer there? The shot of you in the pool with a drink? That is perfect.

  16. Sounds like a perfect weekend! And the pics are too adorable. :)

  17. Sunshine and a pool, it sounds like bliss.

    I think it's great that Sheldon took a dip. I know if I had to wear a black coat in the summer I'd want to cool off too.

  18. May I be one of your dogs in my next life? :)

    Did you know that a few years ago we had a team of pulling poodles in the Iditarod? They did all right-- they were trained for it and loved to run and pull, but now the breed is not allowed. I don't think they were made for it with all that curly hair that needs to be maintained! My dad had a friend who had a giant poodle who hunted as well as a lab. (I think that Sheldon looks more normal at your pool! You need to do a video with him swimming and the Olympic song in the background!

    Do you comb his hair every day or does someone come in?

    We have a sheep dog (a Bouvier des Flanders) who we give puppy cuts to-- I cannot keep his hair combed and in our summer heat (don't laugh at me!) I worry about him overheating. I tried to puppy cut my daughter's husky who likes to skijor with her, but he'd not let me near him with them.

  19. The expression on Sheldon's face is definitely one that says, "My my, I am so spoiled."

  20. Looks like Sheldon had a great time! A Water Baby Dog! LOL! And it sounds like you had a great time, too! Ahhhhhh, The Palm Springs life, Rick! You've got it made, my dear.


Thank you kindly.