Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Fruit In Art

Aside from the warm sunshine, July usually bears all sorts of delicious fruit. I enjoy shopping for fresh fruit, at the grocery store, the farmer's market, or even a natural food market. Fruit makes me smile; I'm the type of person who likes to have a bowl of fruit in the house, including a whole pineapple just sitting on a counter in the kitchen. This was what brought the inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Fruit in Art

above: "Fruit" by Gill Nontha

above: "So Fresh" by Alice Gauthier

above: "Fruit Plate", by Harley Hahn

above: "Tropical Fruit", by Justin Clayton

above: "Fruit Pie" by William Hughes
Which one did you like best and why? What are your favorite types of fruit? All Comments are 100% Free of Charge, so dig in, as they say!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Hard to pick a favorite! I gues the Gill Nontha is my least fave here. The top and bottom are the ones I like the best.

    So far, I haven't met a fruit I didn't like, although I know there are many of the exotic ones I haven't tried.

    I love mangoes and papayas, plus all the "regular" ones.

  2. I haven't been here in a few weeks and so I just noticed the Linda Blair picture. Dang, she looks so boss now. I think she made a pact with a demon or something. :0

  3. I have a blog post tag that would so totally fit this......'Fruitier Than An Elton John Fruit Salad!'

    Anyway I really like the first picture the best. There's something about the my-bowl-doth-runneth-over appeal of it.

    We have a newish 99 Cents Only store down the road that sells produce now. I bought a huge bag of nectartines, plums, peaches, and a few mangoes for only 99 cents each. I guess the name of the store was kind of a giveaway as to the price.

  4. i liked "fruit pie" the best because there are a few grapes missing. most art like this is "perfect" and my fruit bowl always has the grapes half gone! i try to tell them to break off a bunch, but no, they just take the grapes and leave the stem. so to me, it looks more realistic!

    smiles, bee

  5. I hate having to try to make decisions or selections when it is something I really like -and I liked all of the pictures you showed here. I think my favorites though were the first one and then, the third one -but not necessarily in that order. Kind of flip-flop back and forth between the two.

  6. Hi Rick!! My favorite painting is the first still-life. The combination of colors and shapes pleases my eye tremendously. My favorite fruit is not one but more like three: mango, tomato [because is a fruit], and a perfect "chirimoya".
    Have a happy Sunday :)

  7. Fruit pie!! It looks real and painted at the same time. Love that the fruit isn't perfect. :)

  8. I love the fruit pie picture-- it looks like you can reach in and pick up the fruit and eat it which is in fact what my four year old son, "Mud" pretended to do! ("Nom nom nom!")

  9. Harley Hahn looks very much like Cezanne...

    But my fave, since I am feeling thirsty at the moment, is William Hughes' Fruit Pie because the grapes look real and the brewer's yeast on their surface is very well done - and now I am off to drink something!

  10. The last one, "Fruit Pie", is the one that I'm drawn to - it looks like the type of paintings I'm drawn to in museums.
    There are some fruit and flower pictures in the Detroit Art Museum that have such detailed, beautiful insects among the blooms - just incredible!
    Hope you had a great holiday weekend!

  11. Fruit pie, love them grapes...realist, which I usually don't like as much, but I'm hungry for grapes.

  12. There's something compelling about each of the paintings. I do love the balance of the first, and the style of the second one best. And I love all summer fruit.

  13. Hi Rick, thanks for adding one of my paintings to your list, i'm very flattered!! the painting was actually a private commission I painted to go in a specific room which had some amazing fabrics in the same colours, the canvas measures 120cm x 120cm, the client lives in South Wales UK and is a fruit and veg trader......
    Gill Nontha


Thank you kindly.