Thursday, July 31, 2008

Rick's Roadshow: Sonoma & Napa

As much as I enjoy wine, I equally enjoy visiting California's wine country, Napa and Sonoma. I'm heading to Sonoma again this weekend, and thought I'd share some photos of my last trip. Here I am standing next to rows of Opus One French oak barrels. I never pass up an opportunity for a photo op! I always enjoy visiting wineries, touring their facilities and of course, the wine tasting itself.

above: Inside the restaurant "Farm", enjoying a glass of wine at the bar inside. I just love the decor of this restaurant.

above: I was tasting several wines over dinner and enjoying the flavors with different courses of the meal. Above right: For some reason I was fascinated with this light fixture. Perhaps it was the wine speaking to me.

above: After dinner I sat outside by the gas fire and enjoyed a nice glass of Cabernet. It was a perfect way to end the day. Tomorrow I head back up to Sonoma for a fantastic wine party at one of our favorite wineries. You can be sure I'll have more photos to share of that trip!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. i'm not a big wine drinker but i enjoy touring and seeing how it is made and tasting... have fun rick!

    smiles, bee

  2. I've been to two wineries in Sonoma (2001), and I can't remember their names. Maybe you'll refresh my memory.

  3. OOOH! That sounds like fun.. Many years ago (early 1980s) I went to the Domaine Chandon winery... that was fun!

  4. ooo that looks like so much fun. I love wine tasting trips!

  5. That bar is so beautiful! Thank you for posting the pictures. I've always wanted to go to a winery but never have-which is just a shame because I love wine and the romatic view of wineries and wine country and all of that jazz...

  6. hope you have an excellent time there :)

  7. There's a regular patron here at the hotel who happens to be a big shot art dealer - he leaves his Bently with valet and orders on average 3-5 bottles of Opus One during the course of his dinner with guests. He's here about once or twice a month.

    I'm the one always fetching the Opus because I have the key to the high-end wine locker. But, just because I do, I'm sorry to say that I cannot grab you a bottle or two next time I'm in there, Rick. There's always Jensen's.

  8. Don't worry, you're not the only loon who takes photographs of interesting light fixtures :)

    The gas fire outdoors is an interesting touch. Is it chilly enough at night in the summer for them?


Thank you kindly.