Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Garden Scupture

I've always been pleasantly surprised when I encounter some form of art in an outdoor garden. It is an unexpected feast for the mind, and catches you off guard, so to speak. I was strolling through a private garden recently and discovered a series of pathways with all sorts of wonderful sculpture. I had been slowly meandering, smelling flowers, enjoying the well manicured shrubbery, when I caught sight of this stone sculpture. My brain had been processing plant life and soft flowers, so I had to shift my thinking when I saw this. It was intriguing and drew me closer. Here, I found my inspiration for this week's Sunday Art Review: Garden Sculpture. I hope you enjoy this week's post.

above: I've already forgotten what this one was called, so let's just say "Abstract"

above: "Proud Crane"

above: "Peter Pelican"

above: "Society Friends". Thanks for stopping by today!

-Rick Rockhill


  1. I love sculpture, as you know. It's almost the only thing I want to capture at exhibitions.

    The proud crane is my favorite. There is an elegance to those silent lines.

  2. Society Friends reminds me of the Girl Scout logo. I love the Proud Crane-- first because it's a crane, and second because of the line. Is it art deco?


Thank you kindly.