Friday, August 22, 2008

Cute As Can Be...

This post is for my two beautiful nieces, Isabella and Elizabeth, who are the cutest little girls ever! My sister-in-law Miss Kim sent this photo to me, which I love! They look so cute in their colorful little sundresses, enjoying being on the beach together. I wish I were able to see them more often, but I live on the opposite coast.

Bella and Lizzy, when you see this, remember that Uncle Ricky loves you lots!


  1. Rick they are so beautiful!! Little girls in sundresses always get me. I know that makes me sound a tad bit creepy. But I'm not. They're just pretty. :)

    Have a fantastic weekend-I know you will.

  2. they are just adorable!

    smiles, bee

  3. Uncle Ricky (tee hee!), those are some beautiful girls... I can see why you're smitten!

  4. aww how sweet. i hope they see the post and get a big kick out of it.

  5. beautiful girls..
    just think, someday they may enjoy martini's as much as their Uncle Ricky!!

    Great names too! :)

    Elizabeth aka Esa-Beth

  6. They are indeed beautiful.

  7. Very beautiful girls and a lovely setting. Bet you miss them as much as they miss you! Wish i had an uncle Ricky!

  8. Bella and Lizzy are so beautiful! Bet they just ADORE their Uncle Ricky!!!

    BTW, I showed my 11 year old niece the photo of you and Zac Efron (she has a major crush on him). She couldn't believe you actually met him in person. I think you're her new hero! LOL! ;)


Thank you kindly.