Thursday, August 21, 2008

Palm Springs International Short Film Festival

Today marks the beginning of the 14th Annual Palm Springs International Short Film Festival, which runs through August 27th. The Short Film Fest, held in the summer each year is not to be confused with the full feature length Palm Springs International Film Festival, which is held in January. (The January film festival is the more significant of the two events.) This year's Short Film Fest features an impressive line up of films with big names in Hollywood. Two feature films directed by Kate Hudson and Kirsten Dunst, as well as films starring Jessica Biel, Rainn Wilson, Winona Ryder, Dana Delany, David Arquette, Kurt Russell and Tony Shalhoub will be featured. Confirmed celebrities attending include Bill Pullman, and Jessica Biel, who is with recipient of the 2007 Palm Springs International Film Festival's Rising Star award, and several other stars are expected to be attending.

Once again, Hollywood has taken notice of Palm Springs; there are 317 short films being screened, which makes Palm Springs important to the U.S. film industry. Of the films being screened, 53 are world premieres, 47 North American and 24 U.S. premieres.

above: A scene from "Cutlass", directed by Kate Hudson, and stars Kurt Russell.
The festival kicks off with several short films that already won awards at other film fests around the world this year including: Life's Hard (Romania), Manon on the Asphalt (France), Plastic (Australia), Procrastination (UK), Sikumi (USA), Tadeo Jones and the Basement of Doom (Spain) and The Wednesdays (Ireland).

above: "Hole in the Paper Sky", featuring Jessica Biel
The Hilton Hotel plays host to a glamorous poolside reception as part of the Gala opening festivities. If you want to see any of the 317 short films being screened in Palm Springs, tickets can be purchased online or by phone during the day at 1-800-898-7256. It is an ideal film fest to see celebrities, as it is a low key festival, which attracts Hollywood actors who want to relax in the desert and take in a film or two.

-Rick Rockhill


  1. I'd love to drive into Palm Springs to check it out, I actually have some time off next week so maybe I will. Can you give me a tour?

  2. That sounds like a fun festival!

    LOL @ Manon on Asphalt... is it a sequel to Jean deFlorette/Manon of the Spring? Sorry, that just came to mind.

  3. This sounds exciting, Rick! One year I went to the regular Film Festival because a wonderfully talented friend, Michael Kearns, had a film in the festival. It was a documentary about him and it was FANTASTIC! It was probably eight or nine years ago now....Jow time flies...!

    And, I look forward to hearing more about you visit to L.A.

  4. if you go, will you get a picture of Kate Hudson and Jessica two favorite today actress's

    thanks!! :)

  5. Love that Rick, looks great but you always do make everything in Palm Springs look good!

    There’s an award for you over here

  6. Yeah, we're hosting it.. are you coming by? I'll be there this evening, schmoozing with the fabulous film fest fans. So far, last night, I met a director when he was checking in - nice fellow who created an 8 minute short that I've forgotten the name of now, but I'll check into it later. He's in from Paris, so you know it's good :-)

  7. Film festivals are the best! Your weather (hold the storms) better than in Seattle.


Thank you kindly.