Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Favorite Italian Foods

Last night I was in a mood for Italian food, so we went out to a new restaurant downtown. It was a locally owned family business with a traditional southern Italian style menu. Once I ordered, I went to the restroom, as is my usual custom when trying a new restaurant. They say the cleanliness of the restrooms reflects the cleanliness of the kitchen. It was immaculate, which came as a great relief to me, as we had already ordered our food. As we waited for our salads to arrive, I watched the servers deliver food to other tables. I kept thinking, ooo I should have ordered that, as another steaming dish would pass by. The food looked and smelled delicious, I thought. All promising signs. My dish turned out to be quite good, so I was pleased with my choice. It was this scene that gave me the inspiration for this week's Saturday Seven: Favorite Italian Foods
#1 Lasagna
#2 Penne Pasta with Marinara Sauce & Basil
#3 Cheese Ravioli
#4 Tri- Color Tortellini
#5 Pasta e Fagioli Soup
#6 Fettuccine Alfredo

#7 Caprese Salad

Do you have any favorite Italian foods? Go ahead, leave a comment, it is FREE!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Rick, you certainly know how to post the food! I LOVE it! Caprese salad is one of my favorite summertime things. I make it regularly with fresh basil picked from my basil plant just outside my back door. YUM! Oh, My Bailey says hi to your Sheldon!

  2. i like italian salad and spaghetti and meatballs!

    smiles, bee

  3. Boy, you have the nerve! Posting such mouth-watering photos of Italian foods -which I love! Not sure really what I like better though -Italian or Oriental foods. Or maybe it is just simply "FOOD!" The bad thing about this post is seeing those pictures at 9:45 a.m. -not really a time usually thought of in terms of those types of entres, is it? Sure do look yummy though - all of 'em!

  4. Mmm they all look good!
    If someone else cooks then its my favorite!

  5. Dangit! I shouldn't have come here when I haven't had breakfast yet...

  6. You've hit all of fact, Italian food is my favorite -- well, right after Mexican. No, wait, I can't decide which one should come first.

  7. Caprese Salad and angel hair pasta with white or red clam sauce!

  8. Caprese, bruschetta, and (I know there's a name for this) angel-hair pasta with fresh basil and tomatoes.

  9. Do I have any favorite Italian foods?

    Anything that doesn't have pork or capers.

  10. Oh my goodness, Rick! You had me salivating as I read this post! I LOVE Italian food...especially now that I'm pregnant! My all time fave has always been a good homemade lasagna! Fettucine Alfredo, Cheese Ravioli and Canneloni are a close 2nd, 3rd, and 4th!

  11. do you have any idea the hunger you have just induced in me and since i have been painting the bedroom all day i have zero energy to prepare any of these magnificent dishes. mmmmm.

  12. I LOVE tortellini! It's my all-time favorite! Great post, but now I'm hungry....


  13. I remember pasta...

    Who am I kidding? I gave up Atkins long ago and the first thing I DOVE back into was pasta!!!!

  14. I just love food, Italian or otherwise :)

  15. I Love many Italian Dishes----Eggplant Parmesan being my favorite, I think...And Veal Picatta.....! YUM! There are other things as well, but I would have to say these are my top two!

  16. I'll take any Italian food. What could be bad?

  17. I'm with Cheryl! But the dish I had at Finocchio's in San Francisco took the prize for me. Risotto with rare roast beef, fresh asparagus and mixed dried mushrooms!! Give me risotto any day!

  18. I'm in a mood for caprese salad. I love it so.


Thank you kindly.