Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Olympic Art

With all the excitement surrounding the 2008 Summer Olympics, somehow I've not watched as much of the games as I would have liked. That's not to say I'm not interested-more that I just have not had the time to spare. Actually I usually prefer the Summer to the Winter Olympic Games. I am still amazed to think that these games first started back in 776 BC. Despite a few periods of on and off again, the modern Olympics continue to flourish today. Spectators still marvel at the human form, and the ability to excel in sport. This was the inspiration for this week's edition of the Sunday Art Review: Olympic Art
above: "Discus Thrower", in marble (Greece)
above: "Discus Thrower", in sand (Beijing)
above: "Gymnasts in Rings" (Beijing)

above: "Olympic Rings"

above: "Olympian Inspiration"
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed this week's edition.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Oh I DID enjoy this post Rick....! Olympic Art..Great Idea! I haven't seen as much of these Olympics either, but what I have seen has been FABULOUS! I did watch tonight and saw Michael Phelps get that Eighth Swimming Medal....That was AWESOME!
    And I prefer the Summer Games too, except for The Ice Skating in the Winter....!

  2. fabulous. I like the perspectives with these. Nice touch, and so timely as well.

  3. terrific and appropriate theme. i quite enjoyed it. now i'd like to find me a discus thrower like the ones depicted and oil him up. hehehehe.

  4. Beautiful. I love naked bodies in motion.


Thank you kindly.