Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Presidential Dogs

With the US Presidential campaigns in full swing, it occurred to me that in so many ways the dogs that have occupied the White House are equally interesting as their Commanders in Chief that occupied the Oval Office. This became the inspiration for this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Presidential Dogs.
#1 "Lucky" Reagan

#2 "Millie Bush"

#3 "Buddy" Clinton"
#4 "Barney" Bush
#5 "Checkers" Nixon
#6 "Laddie Boy" Harding
#7 "Liberty" Ford
Bonus entry: "Fala" Roosevelt
Are there any White House dogs or First Pets that interest you? remember, dogs are better than people...even when those people are leaders of the free world!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Maybe the pooches would do a better job at running the government? I know that Mason would give it a very good shot. He's such a good boy.

  2. my favorite was the cat sox! but i love barney too!

    smiles, bee

  3. I always liked President Eisenhower's Weimaraner dog named Heidi, she was so cute.

  4. I like Millie Bush best of all because she is a spaniel, and what's more, has the trademark white stripe up her forehead (Checkers Nixon is quite cute too).

    We used to have an English Springer Spaniel, so I have a weakness for the curly eared darlings!

  5. dogs are better than people! and more loyal

    cute post

  6. Love this post Rick. Maybe some of these pets should've been running the country rather than their owners! I always remember the cat called Sox - I think it was Bill and Hilary's cat. They used to talk about him a lot over here. I actually work with somebody who called their cat Sox after the presidential cat! Hope your three are all doing ok.

  7. I always loved "FALA"...The fact that The Roosevelts had this adorable dog made them more human to me. And Fala was a very important part of their family. I think more than any other White House Dog....HE is the most memorable, to me.
    Great idea for your Sunday Seven, Rick!

  8. I remember a few years ago not long after the Clintons left the white house and moved to Chappaqua, NY, buddy's life came to a sad end when he ran out in front of a car and was killed. I really felt sad for him and the Clintons because Buddy wasn't that old.

  9. Oh, dogs are waaaay better than people. I like my Lhasa apso.

  10. Too bad we couldn't have voted for the dogs and let them keep the people as their pets :)

    Great pictures. Do I sense a coffee table book in the making ?

  11. I always like Millie, and bought my kids that book by her, which they thought was a lot of fun.


Thank you kindly.