Friday, August 29, 2008

Home Sweet Home for the Holiday Weekend

Well thankfully it's Friday, and the start of a nice long holiday weekend. I plan to relax at the homestead and just enjoy some quiet time. Fortunately the lawn has filled in nicely this summer, so I don't have to worry about doing any gardening this weekend. I suppose after the first day of doing nothing I'll be ready for some excitement. Maybe if I'm lucky one or two celebrity friends will drop by to say hello. For example, wouldn't it be interesting if Brad Pitt and George Clooney stopped by for a martini, all dressed up in their tuxedos? I mean, it could happen. They both love Palm Springs and enjoy getting away from the prying media and paparazzi. I'd better stock up on their preferred brand of vodka and get the martini shakers ready just in case they do show up. As Bee would say, I think my fish oil pills are kicking in so I probably should end this fanciful post here. This is one of those entries that fulfills the subtitle of this blog: "From the sublime to the ridiculous. Some fact and some fiction" . Fact or Fiction? You Decide.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Tell Brad or Goerge I say hi! tee hee!

  2. can i come hang out just in case george shows up?

  3. good one rick! happy Friday to you

  4. God I hope it's fact and you are sending me a plane ticket and my invite and will forgive my shamless behavior at the party! You do know to to bring out the worst in a girl with these temptations. Thinking of you at Queens Tea today.

  5. Rick, honey - you and celebrities mingling? Absolutely believable!

  6. oh i'm SURE this is true!

    smiles, bee

  7. Having just wandered over to our local P***O and taken a gander at the price of dog food, I have no doubt that's really your house. Can I come over too? I'll rent a tux.

  8. Darling, lovvvve what you've done with the lawn. You've cut back a bit this year, haven't you? Well, it has a subtle charm.

  9. That's definitely not Palm Springs as the sun isn't out!

    I've worked so hard this week I am home with my feet up today. I could do with my own George Clooney for the weekend, come to think of it.

  10. I visited Lake Como a few years ago and passed George Clooney's summer home but unfortunately he wasn't there at the time! Sounds like you and John live in a prime area to go star spotting Rick. I was looking at some of the photos on your sidebar. We get the Dog Whisperer show over here now. I really like that programme.

  11. LOL, LOL...Whatever it is, it's fun, Rick!
    I hope they do stop by for The Cocktail Hour, my dear....

  12. Ah yes, indeed this is merely my dream home, friends~

  13. Yeah, my house looks just like that too :)

    Those 2 are definitely eye candy !


Thank you kindly.