Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Nifty Sights of Providence

This weekend I have traveled to Providence, Rhode Island for business, but I am pleased that I will have time to see my family. When I arrived in Providence I took a few moments to soak up the sights- many are still familiar to me even after all these years living 3,000 miles away. The Rhode Island State Capital building (pictured here) is perhaps the single most identifying structure in Providence. Perched atop a hill overlooking downtown, it is a magnificent building that I had the pleasure of working in a million years ago when I worked for the Governor of Rhode Island. But I digress. Seeing the State House made me start thinking what a good idea it would be to incorporate this trip into a blog post. This was the inspiration for another scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Nifty Sights of Providence

above: #1 Statue of Roger Williams, an English theologian who established the settlement of Providence, back in 1636

above: #2 The Temple of Music, at Roger Williams Park

above: #3 Skyline of downtown Providence

above: #4 The gates to Ivy League Brown University

#5 Providence Country Courthouse

above: #6 The Westminster Arcade, the oldest enclosed shopping mall in America, built in 1828

above: #7 The Providence River with WaterFires and gondola rides at night.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Thanks again for showing me places I will never get to see myself. PS--Tillman is droll cool!

  2. some really nice architecture! thanks for the mini tour. that last shot looks enticing to me.

  3. i had no idea! i have never been farther north than new york city. the capital building is amazing!!! the city is beautiful! thanks for the tour rick!

    smiles, bee

  4. Oh! What wonderful photos! Thanks for the virtual tour! :) I've always wanted to visit Providence. Your post makes me want to go even more now.

  5. What a Beautiful city that is! I haven't been to Providence in so very many years...And when I was there it was only for about a minute and a half.....So it is lovely to see the special Buioldings and places that make Providence the cuty that it is. Thanks Rick.

  6. Hey, I used to watch the TV show Providence religiously. Does that count?

  7. It's beautiful!! Raleigh needs a river like that. I wonder who could arrange it? LOL

  8. I'd like to visit RI. A tiny state with lots of coast, right?

  9. I want to dance in the Temple of Music!

    I went to Prov. when my baby bro played hockey. We combined it with a trip to look at colleges. I would NEVER trade Alaskan weather for east Coast weather. It was soooo cold there in February and we were either visiting indoor ice rinks which in 1985 were cold, or we were touring campuses and walking outside. I was not amused!

    Of course your trip is sunkist and beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

  10. Oh, so you're from New England. Hasn't Providence come a long way? The downtown is so nice now that the river is all pretty. Waterfire is fun, but it's gotten so popular that sometimes there are just too many noisy kids, etc. to enjoy it.

  11. *Olivia kicks self for turning down a scholarship to Brown just because she didn't want to leave home*

  12. Man, Rhode Island is so purty.


Thank you kindly.