Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday Art Review: Paintings of Rhode Island

I am still in Providence, Rhode Island this weekend and thought it would be fitting to incorporate a local flair for today's post, which is Sunday Art Review: Paintings of Rhode Island. I hope you enjoy this art and that it conveys some of the beauty of this tiny but great state! This first painting is "Wickford Main Street". This was the town where the 1987 film "Witches of Eastwick" was set. To this day Wickford has always held a special place in my heart. In fact, many years ago I bought "Lord Sligh", one of my special mantle clocks a a terrific clock shop in Wickford.
above: "Providence Downtown"
above: "Doty House"
above: "Beach Umbrellas"
above: "Beach Babe"
above: "Newport Bay Bridge "
above: "Off Shore Breeze, Watch Hill"

above: "Old Port Marine"
Which painting(s) do you like best? Go ahead, leave a comment- it is totally FREE and is more fun than a barrel of monkeys!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. What a wonderful artistic tour of Providence! Enjoy your time there!

  2. I like all of those, Rock, and it is too hard to choose one. The beach umbrellas are great.

  3. You know I meant to type Rick, don't you?

  4. I like them all because recently I read an article about the new and improved Providence, and determined that one day I would love to take a trip up there, and fill up my camera with pretty pics!

  5. I lived in Newport for a short time while my dad was going to school for the Navy and it was such a beautiful city. I was only 12 at the time, but I loved so much about it--I remember being so in awe of all of the old houses. We lived in a house built in the 1800's and even though some of it was modernized, it was still the coolest house I've ever lived in to this day. I hope you are truly enjoying the sights in Providence--it's no Palm Springs, but it is a beautiful place. :)


  6. they are all wonderful but i think i am partial to beach babe. you know me and my love of color, plus the subject of the painting is one that speaks to me.

  7. Count me in for Old Port Marine, though Wickford Main Street is a close second.

  8. I like them ALL...but, that first one has a special something about it--like an English Garden "feel"...And I LOVE that!
    Great idea for your Sunday Art Posts, Rick....
    Hope you are enjoying your time there, my dear!

  9. Can't go wrong with a place that has ocean views, IMHO.

  10. hallo.. nice review there...
    nice to know this blog... cheers!


Thank you kindly.