Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Superzoo Trade Show in Las Vegas

The past few days I've been in Fabulous Las Vegas attending the Annual Superzoo Trade Show. Some of you may recall my post last year about the Superzoo show. This show is geared only for the pet trade, and is closed to the public, so it is all business and very little fluff like consumer pet shows. While at the show I ran into my good friend Harrison Forbes, host of the nationally syndicated radio show Pet Talk. Harrison was promoting his brand new book "Dog Talk", which is hitting bookstores nationwide on September 30th. Harrison gave me an autographed copy, which I have already started to read. I'll write a review about it in a week or so. In the photo above, I'm with Harrison in his Pet Talk booth. I predict great things for Harrison over the next 12-18 months, he is a really talented guy.
The Return of The Painted Poodles
Last year I wrote a post about a bizarre cult of Painted Poodles with the strangest hair colors. This year, the painted poodles were back at Superzoo:
above: This standard poodle has pink hair and purple tufts- kind of a cross between punk rock and glamour fur.
above: This one is just indescribable.

above: Just when you thought you had seen it all. This Poodle had been groomed with nothing but a stripe of hair to look like it was a giant snake wrapped around the body. Then the groomer painted the hair to look like a snake. It is weird looking but very realistic. My Sheldon isn't ever going to look like that, I can assure you. It was a great show with plenty of interesting sights as usual.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. It's always interesting to me how people do things like this to their pets. I suppose it doesn't harm them, though, right?

  2. HI
    How would one get a directory from this years show?

  3. HI
    I'm also in Palm Springs. How could I get a directory from this years show?

  4. Harrison looks like he's built like a brick shit house - too bad he's on radio:)

  5. WOTE- He is built like that. Actualy, keep an eye out. He'll have his own TV show one of these days soon I just know it.


Thank you kindly.