Wednesday, October 22, 2008

"Dog Talk" by Harrison Forbes

A little over a month ago I was in Las Vegas, where I ran into my famous author friend Harrison Forbes. Harrison is the host of the nationally syndicated radio show "Pet Talk" and has been an animal behaviorist for over 20 years. He is an interesting fellow with a fascinating background; importing and training over 700 police dogs in his career. Last month Harrison was in Las Vegas promoting his new book "Dog Talk, Lessons Learned from a Life with Dogs". I finally had some time to sit down and read his book, which I am pleased to report is terrific. I am hardly a book critic, so don't expect much from me here, but I will say that it held my attention from the very beginning. There are some riveting moments when he describes encounters with a few dogs that would make the hair on your arms stand up. His insights and and perspectives provide practical advice and observations about dog behavior. The chapter on dogs "Bart" and "Tico" was just such a story, a vivid tale with an uplifting ending. If you are a dog person and enjoy stories about dogs, you will find "Dog Talk" to be a fun read.

above: Here I am with my famous author friend Harrison Forbes back in September in Las Vegas.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Thrilling and touching stories about dogs? I love dog stories and am continually intrigued by their relationship with us.

  2. I will have to check this book out. I am a dog lover and avid reader.


Thank you kindly.