Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rick's Roadshow: Topeka, Kansas

It's time for another installment of Rick's Roadshow: Topeka, Kansas where I am traveling on business for a few days. I flew from San Diego to Kansas City, on a bumpy ride amid some bad weather. It was raining when we landed, and a bit chilly too. We made our way from Kansas City and drove to Topeka, Kansas which is about an hour ride or so. It rained for awhile but eventually cleared up. I heard that somewhere in Kansas they had snow flakes yesterday, but not where I am. I'm on a tight schedule so there really ins't much time for to get out and about to explore the sights of the area. But take my word for it, it didn't look like there was a whole lot I missed along the drive past numerous corn fields. I couldn't help but think about Poor Dorothy Gale, from Kansas. Hopefully there won't be any tornadoes or any houses dropping on any witches while I am here. Keep your fingers crossed!

-Rick Rockhill


  1. I guess Kansas just can't compare to Europe!! ;)


  2. Topeka? It's flat out there, isn't it?

  3. Love your photo, reminds me of Halloween - I've gone as both Dorothy and Glenda over the years. You sure do lay down some miles...when will you come to FLA?

  4. A friend of mine who travels quite a bit was once being hosted by a family in Kansas, and they took him to see their "pride and joy".. a grain elevator. They actually all got in the car and drove to it, then parked at the base of it and looked up at it in awe. He felt compelled to snap a few photos to make them feel that he was in awe too.

    A grain elevator.


    Have fun, Rick.

  5. Hopefully, by now you're "not in Kansas anymore"
    (Ouch - I flinch)

  6. Snow - I don't know, much of France looked just like that photo when I drove through it.

    I saw a Kansas license plate last weekend here in NYC. I said, "They're not in Kansas anymore."

  7. You're right - there's not much to Kansas other than fields and cows and more fields. Oh, and for hubby's family, lots of cousins, aunts, and uncles.


Thank you kindly.