Friday, October 24, 2008

The Great Count Dracula

It's my favorite time of year, when the story of Count Dracula and Vampires re-emerge in time for Halloween. I have long been fascinated Dracula's story, although I don't know why. As far back as my childhood I was always terrified by Vampires. When I was a kid, I would read Bram Stoker's Dracula before going to sleep and was so frightened I would fall asleep with my hand on my neck for protection. Count Dracula of course was a centuries-old charming Transylvanian aristocrat who had amazing strength, supernatural powers, the ability to defy gravity, change into bats or disappear into fog. All this made him pretty cool in my mind. I remember my mom taking me and my brother to see a Dracula play at the Trinity Repertory Theatre in Providence when I was a kid. It seemed so real, right there on stage before my eyes. Ever since then I've been a fan, even to this day. So just for the fun of it, a week before Halloween I present this collection of photos of various actors who played the legendary Count Dracula. Enjoy~

above: the great Bella Lugosi, Dracula 1931

above: Gary Oldman as Dracula (young and old) in Bram Stoker's Dracula, 1992
above: Frank Langella, Dracula, 1979

above: Louis Jourdan, Count Dracula, 1977

above: John Carradine, Dracula, 1956

above: Christopher Lee, Dracula, 1958

above: Just for fun because its so iconic, the German vampire Nosferatu played by Max Schreck, 1929. Did I miss any?
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Yay! I love vampires!

  2. always scared me as a kid too.

    how about george hamilton in "love at first bite?" hehehe

  3. Nosferatu rules. TGIF Rick!

  4. Oh, Max Schrek! If you don't believe in vampires, read more about him! You just might change your mind...
    I LOVE vampire movies. They scare the heck outta me!

  5. The one I live with. Der blut is laben...I hear it ever year around this time.

  6. Vampires scare me too. The story of Dracula is a great romantic tragedy tho

  7. My favorite Dracula has been Gary Oldman. What a sexy vampire!! ;-)

  8. Speaking of vampires, now that I'm on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy, I've been reading the Twilight Saga. I just received the series in the mail two days ago and am almost finished the first book.

    Got any other good vampire stories you think I should read while on bed rest?

    BTW, I've been such a delinquent bloggy friend. From my latest post, you'll know why. I'll be popping by more often now though :) XOXO

  9. Ah, Nosferatu - is that the one where they're filming a vampire movie in an old Romanian castle but they use a real vampire, and they pay him by sacrificing the heroine at the end? It was such an interesting movie.

    He may not be a suave and debonaire Dracula, but he's more realistic as a deformed being who needs blood to survive. Plus it was very artfully scary.

  10. What about Eddie Murphy as Count Blackula??!!?

    My favorite will always be Count Chocula, though.

  11. Yes, you missed Leslie Nielsen.



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