Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Series Finale: Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween friends! After a week of busy Halloween posts I thought I'd present a few "retro" images of Halloween for you to enjoy. When I think of Halloween, the Munsters tend to come to mind. I used to love that show, Herman and Lilly, Grandpa, Eddie, and of course, poor Marilyn. She wasn't very pretty compared to the rest of the family. Speaking of Marilyn, I wonder, did you prefer Beverly Owen or Pat Priest as Marilyn? Go ahead, leave a comment, I'd love to hear your opinion. In the meantime I hope you have a Happy, Haunted Halloween!
And now, some retro Halloween Art:

-Rick Rockhill


  1. OMG! I love the Munsters, they were favorite show of mine. I think I always liked Pat Priest as Marilyn better. Happy Halloween to you too!

  2. poor Marilyn. She wasn't very pretty compared to the rest of the family.

    LOL... I remember that. Loved the Munsters... Now the Addams family? They creeped me out...

  3. Very Happy Halloween to you Rick....Are you "Dressing Up" tonight? I'm goiung to hide out in my bedroom and pretend I'm not home...(lol)
    No kids come around here anymore anyway--I think they are all grown up...But, just in case....I'm hiding!

  4. Always thought Vivian Munster was very glam. Love your retro images, esp the sexy wish - all things Vargaesque have a place close to my heart and and love the vintage postcard cat (last one).
    Have a Happy!

  5. i vote for pat priest. and i have to say even the creepy make-up job couldn't hide yvonne decarlo's beauty. what a stunning woman.

  6. I love the retro art. I know there were 2 Marilyn's, but I don't remember which one I liked best. I'd have to see photos side by side.

  7. of all the halloween posts I've read today, yours is the tops! have a scary one.

  8. I love the pin-up witch. Before I married my husband, we broke up a few times just because my life was crazy. I got him back when I had some pin-ups made and sent them to him. . .

  9. I was a huge Munsters fan. Watched it all the time, back in the day.

    Happy Halloween to you. Pictures to follow?

  10. Happy Halloween Rick!

    Munsters reminds me of Adam's family :)


Thank you kindly.