Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Saturday Seven: Things Produced in Palm Springs*

While driving around doing errands yesterday, I started to ponder the subject for today's post. Over the past month I've had plenty of blogworthy material. With all the travel I've done lately, I realized that its been awhile since I wrote about home-sweet-home. When I reached the grocery store to pick up a few odds and ends, I saw a display of "local produce", which served as inspiration for this week's scintillating edition of The Saturday Seven: Things Produced in Palm Springs* (*and surrounding communities). So here they are, in no particular order....

above: #1 Lemons- They are probably the most plentiful fruit tree in the area, and sold to markets across the country.

above: #2 Dates- I've written about our dates before, I just love them, and they are so good for you too.

above: #3 Grapefruit-Another plentiful fruit. It's nice to be able to go outside in the morning and pick a fresh grapefruit from the tree for breakfast. (Orange and lime trees can also be found in the Palm Springs area too).

above: #4 Prickly Pear Cactus- a common cactus that produces an uncommon flavor, used to make candy.

above: #5 Pistachios-So delicious, so addictive, and so plentiful too.

above: #6 Gamblers-Speaking of addictive, Palm Springs has several Indian Casinos, which produce their share of gamblers....

above: #7 Wind Power- We have thousands of Wind Turbines, which produce a tremendous amount of wind power which we convert into electricity to use and export too.
Thanks for stopping by today, I hope you found this interesting.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Nice post! I like the idea of local goods. I am also a big fan of locally owned and operated restaurants. Its nice to do things the old fashioned way, locally! There is something charming about it don't you think?

    Love the air power, I hope we can get more of that going around the country.

  2. Pistachios are my favorite nuts, and I didn't know where they were grown. It must be nice to go outside and pick your breakfast off the trees.

  3. Good post, Rick. It is always interesting to see more of Palm Springs. I would love to have a lemon tree. And pistachios! I couldn't keep away from them.

  4. Just found your blog, nice to see so much info on Palm Springs. We're not full time residents but now own our second home there at the Palermo. Looking forward to keeping in touch via Palm Springs Savant.

  5. Indeed, I DID find it very interesting Rick. And though I am familiar with all things Palm Springs, ir is great to see all these things honored under one post! The very first time I was in the Desert was back in 1958-59.....And I stayed at what is now called Two Bunch Palms, in Desert Hot Springs......Later, after I moved to Los Angeles, I spent a lot of time in Palm Springs.....I love the desert and all it has to offer....You are lucky to live there, my dear.

  6. Can I just tell you how freakin cool you are and remind you how i wish you were closer so e could go do freakin cool things together? You might be the only other friend i have that would ENJOY listening to ORGAN MUSIC with me - THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU!!!!

  7. WOTE- Thanks for saying so! I was thinking the same thing the other day. The Wurlitzer organ was awesome for sure. A lot of good rock bands used to use full organ in their band, not like today when its all electronic keyboards that don't have the same depth. oh well.

  8. good one rick. I like your sense of humor.

  9. Tomorrow is the 2 year anniversary of my dad's death and he's on my mind, but the prickly pears got to me! He was in the AZ desert and ha and my mom had some huge pp cacti with them. I called to cooperative extension, described them and they confirmed that they were healthy/not poisonous. My parents had never bothered with them. Having no recipe but being a canner and knowing how to do these things, I donned three pair of medical gloves to pick them and made a delicious syrup with them. The day before he died, I made pancakes. My brother and mom were going crazy, "What if you have to prepare them a certain way and they can kill you?" My dad had tasted the syrup all ready and said, "Let me try them and if anything happens to me in the next few days, Tea killed me!"

    I would also break off the needles from the leaves and make a tasty relish-salsa thing for omelets in the coming days. That is the tastiest plant!

    Your pictures have me wanting to spend a week down there sooooo bad. I think I would spend hours walking and grazing!

  10. I love fresh dates.... now if that didn't sound funny I don't know what did....LOL!


Thank you kindly.