Thursday, November 13, 2008

80's Music Madnesses

Lots going on at the moment so I thought I'd just share some album covers just for fun. The 1980's were a time when I listened to music constantly. Cassette tapes and CDs, MTV and regular radio kept me humming along quite happily. My morning alarm clock was set to radio, my Walkman went with me everywhere, and listened to American Top 40 every Sunday to hear which favorite band would have a number 1 hit song. Pop music of the 80's was full of colorful bands and artists who helped define the style of the decade. To this day whenever I hear music from the 80's a distinct memory comes flooding back. It's remarkable how much music can become a sort of soundtrack of our lives if we let it. At any rate, that's all I have time for today I'm afraid. Interested to know who your favorite pop artists or bands of the 80's were. Leave a comment with your point of view.

above: I had to end with the great Stevie Nicks, my favorite Rock Diva of all time.
Thanks for stopping by, even though today's post was kind of pointless.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. I like all of those too. I would also add Frankie Goes To Hollywood, The Cars, Dead or Alive, REM and Squeeze. Lot's of college memories.

  2. 80's music... my college years...oh the memories...

    I was known as the "prep" with the punker 'do...Total pink and greenie with spikey hair...

    I'll have to find a pic (if I can) and post it so you can have a laugh.

  3. Fun post, Rick! This sure took me back in time. There were many greats back then, but Duran Duran was my top.

  4. 80s music was just plain FUN, and it's STILL FUN, so I love listening to it.

  5. this does bring back memories rick. I used ot love cyndi lauper, the clash and aha.

  6. i am giggling at this little walk down memory lane. there was some really fun music and some really weird music at that time. ditto the fashions. what really cracks me up is that my 15 yr old is soooo into 80s fashion and the movies. she has a molly ringwald fascination. i will only worry if she starts teasing her bangs into a terrifying claw/spider that looks like they are reaching out to grab you.

  7. My kids were into that music, but it is a bit after my time. I do remember liking Karma Chameleon....LOL

  8. there is nothing pointless about music, especially aimee mann.

  9. Haha, Bananarama, I had forgotten about them.

    Honestly, music of the 80s is not my cup of tea :) but I probably know more songs than I should ;)

  10. The 1980s were mostly bliss, for I was but a mere kid when all this crazy stuff was in style.

    Michael Jackson man! HE WAS KING! Before he went insane, he was a masterful genius entertainer.

    I sure miss him.

  11. Hi Rick,
    It's Jelsa are you...and yes I read your blog. I just had to say that Stevie Nicks is as well my favorite female singer/diva of all time. My uncles were roadies for her and Fleetwood Mac, and I have been watching her since I was a kid. I got to meet her a few years ago when they were in uncle has kept in touch with her in small ways. Anyway, just thought I would share that small commonality between you and I with you. Any time you want to talk Stevie, you just let me know!!!!

  12. Hey Rick,

    Jim in Tallahassee, FL here... the one album I couldn't live without would be Propaganda's Secret Wish... it still sounds as good today as it did in 1985!

  13. The 80s had so many songs. All different music genres also. I have an 80s Music blog.


Thank you kindly.