Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Chop Wood, Carry Water, by Jamie Shane

I just finished reading a great new book called Chop Wood, Carry Water, by Jamie Shane. Shane is a certified yoga instructor and practical philosopher who owns Bija Yoga studio in Naples, Florida. Ms Shane also writes a popular weekly column for the Naples Daily News. Chop Wood is a light-hearted, relaxing read with a refreshing perspective on life. Shane presents a compelling case for yoga and the benefits of simplifying our lives. "Yoga", Shane writes is "a physical science designed to bring the body and the mind into alignment with spirit". As you wind your way through the book, you learn how yoga can become a lifelong relationship with your inner self. There are a few instructive sections where the reader can practice basic yoga moves, which serve as tempting morsels, leaving the reader wanting more. I had a few major discoveries about myself while reading this book. The biggest was that I do not know how to breathe. That's right, I don't know how to breathe. I learned that true breathing involves slowing things down, listening to your inner voice, and to pay attention to hear your body speak to you. But as much as her book helps the reader learn how to meet and understand oneself, it also speaks how to live and love others. Shane refers to the "bumpy road to enlightenment" by expressing her own thoughts and experiences. While our journeys through life may be bumpy, her book offers a smooth path of advice and wisdom. If you have ever considered yoga, check out Shane's book, it just may change your perspective on life.
Jamie Shane can be reached via e-mail at
Don't just take my word...

Even Dr Sidney Wang, psychic betta fish and resident oracle recommends this book. Dr Wang wishes to share a quote from Mahatma Gandhi that Ms Shane uses to close her book: "There is no way to peace. Peace is the way."


  1. I practice Yoga today with my sister and cousin, it does help you breathe better, and also helps stretch out more.

  2. I've been thinking about finding a yoga class to join here in Boston. I've never done yoga before though, so I have to find a VERY beginner class-especially with my neck problems.

  3. i practice Anusara, love it. wish there was a group class daily. makes me feel so serene! you would really enjoy it.

  4. I just finished Jamie Shane's
    3 day workshop "The Psychic Knot".
    Truely inspiring. I have never felt more at ease with the world.
    Palm Springs should try to bring this workshop out there.


Thank you kindly.