Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Adventures of Sheldon: Fine Manners and Good Grooming

Our young Sheldon is growing up and on his way to becoming a well-mannered standard poodle. At just 7 months old, he understand basic commands and follows direction (mostly). He is a good listener, and watches intently for hand signals or verbal instructions. He is a cuddly 40 pound lap dog who enjoys being part of the family. This past weekend Sheldon went to the groomer and was spruced up a bit. He had a good report card from the groomer, so he earned a Natural Balance lamb roll treat as a reward. Before going home, we went visiting friends to show off the fresh new haircut. Sheldon's true champion show dog heritage was evident as I paraded him past friends who "oooh-ed" and "ahhhhh-ed" over how handsome he looked. When we eventually returned home, he was still so excited about his haircut that he went to the mirror in the hallway and jumped up to admire himself.
above: Back at home, Sheldon relaxes with an "antler" to chew on.
above: Being silly, writhing around on the floor. You can see the end of the reindeer antler in his mouth. he loves that thing.
What a Difference a Day Makes!
above: Sheldon, taken the night before his grooming appointment. He was patrolling the perimeter of the pool while I sat by the fireplace and blogged.
above: Sheldon inspects one of the barrel cactus plants in the garden. He has all sorts of important tasks and responsibilities at any given moment. He is maturing into a fine young dog.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. oh he is a good looking dog. such a shiny coat too. i can't believe how big he's gotten!

  2. Sheldon definitely would be a favorite dog for my tastes, right off the top -thanks to his coloring! I LOVE dogs with solid black fur or only a tiny tinge of white -regardless of the breed. Why? Because from spring of 1958 until June of 1963 -5 years -I had the best dog ever -Duffy - a little black mutt with a good bit of cocker spaniel in him. THe sweetest, most loveable, best friend of a dog ever there could have been. And ya know, 45 years later, I still miss that furball friend.

  3. he is SO cute and i LOVED that he went to the mirror!!!

    smiles, bee

  4. They do take their responsibilities seriously, don't they?!

  5. I love Sheldon. He makes me want a doggie hug.

    I AM surprised though that you didn't take advantage of Mo's manic Monday word "Bounty" to show pictures of Sheldon's old favorite past time....shredding paper towels! :)

  6. He is indeed growing up to be a fine young dog. How appropriate that he checked himself out in the mirror. You've trained him well, Rick. *grin*

  7. Sheldon is beautiful. Lita does not like going to the groomer, she usually gives me attitude for a couple of days after her visits.

    I have heard my entire life parents talking about their children going through the terrible 2's. Now that Lita is almost 2 I know what they mean! She is into EVERYTHING!

  8. Serious thanks for your blog - a nice oasis of happiness. And we always love Sheldon news.

  9. Sheldon has grown into a fine fellow. He is very elegant, being French of course ;)

  10. Sheldon is one fine dog. If he is as smart as he is handsome, you are in good stead.

  11. AW! He is cute and he has nice hair. LOL!


Thank you kindly.