Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Adventures of Sheldon: Who's the Fairest of Them All?

One of the things I like most about being a pet parent is the unconditional love and affection they provide. But pets also provide an never-ending source of entertainment as well, and our kids are no exception. Take Sheldon for instance. First off, having a standard poodle is a totally new experience. Standard poodles have such a different personality from Koshimi and other dogs who have been part of my life. Sheldon enjoys showing off, prancing around and seems to prefer the company of people to other dogs. One of the more amusing habits Sheldon has is admiring himself in the mirror. It's the fun to watch him before he realizes he is being observed. He tilts his head, looks from side to side, no doubt thinking to himself: "Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who's the fairest poodle of them all? Well actually he is more likely thinking: "Damn I'm one handsome fella".

above: Lest you think that first photo was an exception, here is another photo of Young Sheldon, caught at the hallway mirror. He is one silly little puppy.

above: Best Buds: Sheldon and Owen share the bed. Owen is doing a pretty good job putting up with an energetic new puppy in the house.

above: Young Sheldon knows he is a special dog, with his own sitting chair, complete with chenille throw.

above: Here's Koshimi, hanging in there in his old age. He holds a special place in my heart. I love this dog. Thanks for spending a few minutes here catching up on the kids~
-Rick Rockhill


  1. How cute!!!

    Good to see them all and especially old Koshimi still loooking good

  2. That is a cute picture of Shimi!

  3. Aw, I love Sheldon!! I love the other two also but I really dig Sheldon with his vanity. ;)

  4. I love Sheldon stories. They make me smile. But..I have to say that the picture of Sheldon with that stuffed animal (on the chair) freaked me out...b/c the stuffed animal appears to be the same color as Owen!

    Phew...glad Owen's ok. :)

  5. When Sheldon is looking in the mirror, he's probably thinking who the heck is that interloper in my house??!!

  6. I love it when dogs look at themselves in the mirror. Our English Springer used to do it and my mother loved to take pictures of him too. He was a handsome fella, just like Sheldon. See, some dogs have good taste!

  7. They are both so beautiful! Sheldon & Owen!

  8. sheldon and his mirror how cute is that?

  9. I used to like to shine a flash light on the floor for my baby brother's springer spaniel, Wicket. Or I would use my watch to reflect light. She would prance around following it. . .

  10. Have you read Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck? If I'm not mistaken - and I have been many times - he traveled the country with his dog, a Standard Poodle. Although I read the book a long time ago and it was about much more than his dog, the thing I remember most about the book was that the poodle sure was a smart dog & I'd like to have one. But instead, I've had 2 Welsh Corgis and 2 pound pups. But your Sheldon looks lovely. Cheers!

    Nina from Nashville

  11. I think all yer kids are cute as buttons.

  12. My Staff was surfing and found Sheldon's blog - Hi Son!!!
    Love Momma Reba, Gramma Mary Lou and our staff(Peggy)

  13. Dear Sheldon,
    The staff was surfing the web this morning and found your blog - you look good!
    xoxo - Mamma Reba, Gramma Mary Lou and Staff (peggy)


Thank you kindly.