Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mimi, the Amazing 12 Year Old Girl and

Recently I discovered a neat story about a 12 year old little girl who is helping to feed dogs and cats in animal shelters. Apparently she was inspired by an idea she saw on, where people can feed hungry people by playing an online game. Mimi created a website called to do exactly the same thing. She solicited sponsors to help her efforts, and she has been able to donate free food to shelters every month since May. It's easy to help. All you have to do is visit her site, read the trivia question of the day and click on an answer. Even if you don't answer the trivia question correctly, your participation still provides 10 pieces of kibble to animal shelters to help feed their hungry dogs and cats.

Mimi first started her website back in April 2008 with the intention of getting people involved to donate food for dogs at a local Humane Society of Central Oregon. In the first month more than 170,000 pieces of kibble were collected, then another 180,000 pieces in May. That's over 240 pounds of dog kibble- enough to feed 456 dogs for one day. As of November 24, freekibble has raised over 70,000 pounds of kibble, currently supporting 11 shelters across the country each month.
The best part is that you can help, at no cost to you...
Mimi needs more people to play her online "Bow Wow Trivia" game every day. She wants people to spread the word to go to her site and play each day. Every day you answer a Bow Wow Trivia question, freekibble donates 10 pieces of kibble to a shelter (no matter if you get the question right or wrong).
Mimi is a remarkable child. At just 12 years old she was able to convince a pet food company to help her feed hungry dogs and cats. Mimi has been personally delivering all the free kibble raised so far. She has been getting a lot of attention too. She is in the December 1st edition of People magazine, and so far has been on the Today Show, The Ellen DeGeneres Show and several others too. So it's proof that no matter how old you are, you can make a difference in this world. I wanted to write a post about Mimi because I think she is a neat kid. If you are looking for something good to do this holiday season to help animals, visit Mimi's website everyday and help her donate more food to hungry dogs and cats stuck in shelters. Hopefully Mimi's efforts will help draw attention to the many shelters than need support for needy dogs and cats.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. This is awesome! I love Free Rice and I'll definitely be checking her site out too!

  2. Wow-that's amazing. I love that for every story about bad people in this world, there are stories like this one...and she's only 10. We're lucky to have her in this world!

    Happy Thanksgiving Rick!

  3. i am a big fan of free rice and this is one clever and proactive young lady. good for her!

  4. Good for her! What an amazing kid!

  5. I love this, what a sweet child. great post to brighten my day, thank you.

  6. What a nice kid!! I'll do it.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  7. I admire kids who are aware enough of the world to try to make a difference.
    So I've duly answered my question correctly today :)

  8. Good that incorrect answers count too,I had one today.


Thank you kindly.