Friday, November 21, 2008

Bow Wow Beverly Hills Benefit

Wednesday night I attended the 3rd annual "Bow Wow Beverly Hills" benefit in support of The Amanda Foundation, a no-kill animal rescue and shelter. The evening was the kick off to a five day event that seeks to find good homes for as many orphaned dogs as possible, in time for the holidays. The event was held on the swank Rodeo Drive and featured a doggie fashion show, silent auction, and a cocktail reception.
It was posh event underwritten by major sponsors including Halo, Purely for Pets, Beverly Hills Design & Life Magazine, and the merchant association and restaurants of Two Rodeo Drive. I attended as a guest of Halo, representing my company among the well-heeled guests. There were several celebrities present, but I didn't have an opportunity to take many photos, as I was trying to conduct business during the evening.
above: The strings of festive white lights provided an ambiance to the closed off street.
above: Bar tables, decorations and this huge Christmas tree made the area cheery and bright.
The Doggie Fashion Show!

above: The doggie fashion show was led by actresses, local police, and firemen.

above: I was delighted to see my good friend Dick Van Patten and his wife Pat (right). One of the orphaned dogs jumped up on Dick's lap. The woman with the red hair on the left of Dick is actress Paula Kent Meehan, who is the founder of Redkin Laboratory hair products.
above: Leggy Supermodels took their turns parading the homeless dogs down the grass runway.
Meet Ricky Van Patten
above: Dick Van Patten decided to adopt the orphaned dog who jumped up on his lap earlier in the evening. Believe it or not, Dick named the dog after me, because I was there with him when he met the dog. So, this is "Ricky Van Patten". I was so honored.
above: These floral arrangements were on all of the tables . I just thought this was a nice way to end the post. Thanks for stopping by today. If you can find it in your heart, go to your local shelter and adopt a homeless dog or cat this holiday season. You can also go to to search for a particular type of pet.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Ricky is a handsome boy like you!
    Hugs, my friend...and ahve a wonderful weekend.

  2. Ricky is, no doubt, a lucky boy!!
    You'll have to arrange a play date for him and Sheldon.

  3. So, if I jump up in Dick's lap will he adopt me? Because, contrary to what we've all been told, eight just isn't enough.

  4. But you didn't adopt your dog! Practice what you preach...and shame on you for buying a dog from a breeder!

  5. Don't want to post my comment about not practicing what you preach? Seriously, to buy a dog from a breeder is a huge NO NO! You of all people should have adopted an animal!

  6. I would totally adopt something (of the furry pet persuasion) that jumped into my lap!

  7. Ricky is adorable, but not as much as you are, Rick. *wink*

  8. Cathy- thanks for your comment. What you don't know is where my other pets came from. I have two dogs, a cat, and a fish. I've also had numerous other pets-none of which came from a breeder. So I DO support adopting pets from a shelter. Now, regarding your comment...since you don't have a blogger account I don't really know who you are. And since you left a second comment with an accusatory message which I did not publish) instead of sending me an e-mail, I can only assume that you are afraid to let me know who you really are. So if you do read this again, feel free to e-mail me and let's chat. My final message to you is, don't be so quick to judge others. You come across like an extreme terrorist that only sees things as black and white. I'd like to think you are just passionate about animals, so I'll hold out hope that you do e-mail me and we can have a rational exchange of views.

  9. Cathy, I'm pretty sure you've got it all wrong - Sheldon got RICK from a breeder, and a damn fine one at that. But that's not to say that one shouldn't try and rescue handsome young bloggers at every opportunity.

  10. I suspect that you have done more in the name of helping animals than Cathy. Now with puppy mills I have an issue but a reputable breeder is another matter. Most of my animals as a kid were from shelters, but I have owned a couple of dogs that were purebreds. A dog loves with his heart and papers cease to matter unless you are showing the dog.

  11. You are handsome.

    Some may say well heeled.

    You have a fashion sense equaled by few.

    You live in Palm Springs.

    You have a great blog and Darjeeling friends.

    Some may say you have it all, Rick. . . but do you have a cold nose?


Thank you kindly.