Wednesday, November 19, 2008

San Diego Wild Animal Park, Day 2: Rhinos and More!

Today is a continuation of my visit to the San Diego Wild Animal Park on Monday. I thought I'd start off by sharing a few photos and facts about the Rhinoceros. Rhinos are herbivores, meaning they mainly eat leafy plants. They live to be 60 years old and grow quite large, weighing as much as one ton! The rhinoceros horn is made of keratin, which is the same protein in human hair and fingernails. Rhinoceroses are very light on their feet, have excellent hearing a very strong sense of smell, but have poor eyesight. Well that's about everything I know about onto the photos:

Our Lovely Safari Tour Guide:

And Now, a Few Birds...

Thanks for coming along with me to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. Hope to see you again tomorrow, I may have another one of my interesting posts...but it will depend on how tonight's festivities goes.
-Rick Rockhill


  1. What are those animals that look like a cross between a goat and deer with the big horns? Those are cool!

  2. The rhinos truly have a face only a mother could love.

  3. there cool! But I must admit my favorites are giraffes! Something so regal and confident about them--height maybe? I don't know, perhaps its their abilities to watch over other giraffe's young..

    Have a good time!!


  4. you got some great shots. were you that close or do you just have a fantastic lens?

  5. i didn't know rhinos didn't eat meat! then i wonder why they have those horns. self defense maybe?

    smiles, bee

  6. Any outing involving animals sounds like a great event to me. Loved your pictures.

  7. Did you feel a wellspring of emotion bubble up when you visited the place where you first encountered me, Rick? Thank you for adopting me and bringing me to Palm Springs.. it's so nice here, and I'm sorry about the feces flinging.. that's just a part of my nature.

    Are there any bananas left?

  8. I love rhinos because they are so prehistoric. They kinda scare me a bit, too.
    I haven't been to the zoo in soo long. Your photos were great :)


Thank you kindly.