Friday, November 28, 2008

It's Black Friday!

Once again, Black Friday has arrived. I'm not referring to the 1940 movie from this poster (although it was a fun diversion for this post). It's the busiest shopping day of the year, and officially kicks off the holiday selling season. Retailers use this day as a barometer to predict how good of a Christmas it will be. This year, no one is taking any chances. The sales have started early and are deep. If you are a consumer with some cash to spend, it will be a good year to clean up on bargains. I've worked in retail for well over 20 years, in a number of different retail industries. I've never seen so many major retailers so nervous, and for good reason; this year could break a few major retail companies. As a consumer I used to dread the idea of shopping the day after Thanksgiving: fighting traffic on crowded streets and packed parking lots, only to push your way through retail stores mobbed with bargain-hungry shoppers. These days of course, we have online shopping as an option. In fact, for the past few years I did nearly all of my Christmas shopping online. I've already started my shopping this year, using places like ebates to get cash back in addition to the already deep discounting that is underway. For people who are employed, and can afford to shop for the holidays, it's very important to do so. The worst thing for our economy is if everyone stops spending. I'm not suggesting to live beyond your means or spend money you don't have. I know some folks who have a LOT of money, but are "psychologically affected" and talk about not buying Christmas presents this year. I guess the "trickle down effect" really is true after all. If the rich stop "feeling rich" and stop spending, it has an impact on the rest of society. And of course, when the rich "feel rich" and start spending, it does trickle down through the economy in some fashion. So if you have plenty of money, I say, do your part and stimulate the economy! OK, I'm done ranting now. How about these photos from our shopping malls here in the desert to put you in the mood?

Christmas shopping in the Palm Springs area is so much easier than the cold wintry climates. I went out in shorts and sandals to do some Christmas shopping.

Well that's all for now. I hope you find some great "Black Friday" bargains!
-Rick Rockhill


  1. Black Friday... I remember that from my retail days (daze?)...OY!

    Not much of a shopper anymore.

  2. I love a bargain!
    I find it hard to imagine christmas shopping in shorts and sandals - its freezing here!

  3. Hope you and yours had a wonderful Turkey Day....
    I'm not doing anything today.....just hanging and vegging! :-)

    The outlets here opened at midnight last night and I actually got stuck in traffic coming home because of it.....sure didn't look like people were staying away!!!


  4. i hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving. i shortly will be taking my daughter to retail. i dread just trying to get in and out of the parking lot.

  5. I have to work today, but I am taking two vacation days next week just to shop. :)


  6. I was out early and got some really good deals. I was mostly shopping for myself tho.

  7. I go to places like Etsy and have my stuff handmade if I don't make them myself. I am hand embroidering pillowcases for my mom this year. For the kids, they will be waking up to Leggos. Lots of Leggos!

  8. I would really love to take advantage of some of the sales, but I really can't - no money!!


Thank you kindly.